Why does git clean -xfd sometimes delete tracked files? How can …
git clean -xfd git status // check whether git deleted tracked files or not git reset --hard head // if git deleted tracked files restore them I suspect that this over-zealous deletion might be related to …
cobol - how to form fields section in xfd file - Stack Overflow
Jun 23, 2015 · That will create an XFD file for the indexed file definition. Note, you can specify a directory for the created XFD file using the -Fo <directory> option. If you don't have the source …
How to form XFD from cobol Data - Stack Overflow
May 17, 2014 · '# icvc.dad then copy dad.xfd to new file icvc.xfd and change line '# XFD,02,FILE,FILE to be '# XFD,02,ICVC,ICVC . If that does not work, follow the instructions …
End (xlToRight) sends me to the last colum--XFD i want to go to …
Mar 7, 2018 · In Excel VBA I am comparing two columns. If the the value in column H appears in column B I want to past a value in the next blank cell to right of column H.
Pandas read_pickle, UnpicklingError: invalid load key, '\xfd'
Nov 28, 2022 · Pandas read_pickle, UnpicklingError: invalid load key, '\xfd' Ask Question Asked 2 years, 3 months ago.
Convert excel column alphabet (e.g. AA) to number (e.g., 25)
Mar 1, 2018 · Note, per makers of excel, the last column is 'XFD' as there are a maximum number of columns of 16,384. Other than making the input upper case and ensuring 3 characters, I …
python - Can anyone identify this encoding? - Stack Overflow
Nov 7, 2014 · Ive had these comments back from the manufacturer "I think its a bit relative; the individual characters are expressed at UTF-8, though they could combine to represent larger …
Self-reference for cell, column and row in worksheet functions
Jun 13, 2011 · I have weird bug on Excel 2010 where it won't accept the very last row or column for these formula (row 1048576 & column XFD), so you may need to reference these one …
How to escape the string "\\x0a\\xfd\\x ....." in python?
Jun 23, 2017 · As @MrE says, you need to use the bytes.decode method. Or you can provide an encoding to the str() initialisation function.
Confusion between Bytes, Hex and string in Python 3
Feb 24, 2021 · I have a log file that contains hex strings. I have to convert it back to a legible sentence. However, I am noticing some erratic behavior during string processing. For …