霞帔,也称“霞披”“披帛”,是宋明以来重要的冠服之一 [1] [11]。 霞帔最早由南北朝时期的 帔子 演变而来,发展到隋唐时期唤做霞帔,造型类似于现代常见的 披肩。 至清代,改制为背心式服装。 霞帔原本为皇帝的妃嫔所穿着,发展至宋代霞帔被划入命妇礼服的行列中,正式成为一种身份等级的象征 [2-3]。 霞帔始于南北朝时期的帔,隋唐时期窄而长的帔演变成了 披帛,逐步成为披在两臂之间、舞之前后的一种飘带。 后来因为帔子看起来美如彩霞,固有霞帔之美称。 宋时,霞帔 …
Xiapei - Wikipedia
In the Sui and Tang dynasties, the xiapei gained its name due to its beauty like rosy clouds (霞; xia). [2] During this period, it became increasingly popular. [7] In the Tang dynasty, the xiapei was an embroidered scarf made of silk which was attached to a woman's neck and shoulder that would wrap around her body. [4] [8]
Xia Peisu - Wikipedia
Xia Peisu or Pei-su Hsia (Chinese: 夏培肃; 28 July 1923 – 27 August 2014) was a Chinese computer scientist and educator known for her pioneering research in computer science and technology.
汉服科普 | 古人的凤冠霞帔,到底能有多美? - 知乎专栏
xia pei. 霞帔,因其美如彩霞而得名,是由披帛发展而来。宋代是霞帔发展的转型期,那时的披帛分为霞帔和 直帔 。 宋昭宪皇太后杜氏. 直帔的形制沿袭了唐代披帛的特点,可以随意披挂。而霞帔,则成为后妃常服及外命妇礼服的配饰,被规定“非恩赐不得服”。
Xiao Pei - Wikipedia
Xiao Pei (Chinese: 肖培; pinyin: Xiāo Péi; born January 1961) is a Chinese editor and politician who is the current deputy director of the National Supervisory Commission and deputy secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. [1] He is a representative of the 20th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party. [2]
霞佩 - 百度百科
霞佩,拼音xiá pèi,汉语词汇,意思是仙女的饰物,借指仙女。
Xia Pei | IEEE Xplore Author Details
School of Information Science and Engineering, Zaozhuang University, Zaozhuang, China. Publication Topics.
Pei XIA | PhD Student | Master of Science - ResearchGate
Pei XIA, PhD Student | Cited by 69 | of Peking University, Beijing (PKU) | Read 11 publications | Contact Pei XIA
英国萨里大学肖培教授访问我室开展学术交流 - Xidian
2019年12月20日,英国萨里大学(University of Surrey, UK)的肖培教授(Prof. Pei Xiao)应我室石嘉副教授邀请,来 我室进行学术访问交流,并于下午3:00在新科技楼1012会议室,以“Sparse Code Multiple Access (SCMA) for Future Massive Machine Communications...
凤冠霞帔 - 知乎
近几年,随着汉服潮的兴起,“凤冠霞帔”越来越多的出现在婚礼场合。 在古装剧,特别是戏曲中,也经常出现其身影。 而在中国古典名著中也有很高的出场频率,如《醒世恒言》 :“花烛之下,乌纱绛袍,凤冠霞帔,好不气… 应该是明朝中后期才有的现象。 那些民间故事不可信。 首先,历朝历代的婚服都是不同的,民间婚嫁凤冠霞帔始于宋朝绝对错误,宋朝民女婚服另有形制。 而始于马皇后也不可能。 在汉朝,民间婚服是这样的。 玄色婚服,袖口装… 穿汉服的,加上之 …