Heatherwick新作:西安CCBD正式开放 – 有方
The Xi'an Centre Culture Business District (CCBD) is located south of the city's historic centre between the ruins of the Temple of Heaven and the prominent Shaanxi TV tower. The district blends a retail podium with walkable streets, terraces and open plazas, offices, apartments, accommodation, green spaces, and a vertical park.
Xi’an CCBD (Centre Culture Business District) - Heatherwick
The Xi’an Centre Culture Business District (CCBD) is located south of the city’s historic centre between the ruins of the Temple of Heaven and the prominent Shaanxi TV tower. The district blends a retail podium with walkable streets, terraces and open plazas, offices, apartments, accommodation, green spaces, and a vertical park.
Xi’an CCBD / Heatherwick Studio - ArchDaily
2024年12月19日 · The Xi'an Centre Culture Business District (CCBD) is located south of the city's historic centre between the ruins of the Temple of Heaven and the prominent Shaanxi TV tower. The district blends...
西安CCBD:未来万象城的一次超前点映 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
「CCBD」其名,其实是「Central中心」+「Cultural文化」+「Business商务」三大维度的组合, 承载了提振西安商业大势和传播中华文化站位双重任务。 对于操盘者来说,如何能做到两大能级的全方位释放,无疑是一次激荡人心的巨大挑战。 三年来,从华润进驻公布项目定位,到项目效果图浮出水面、 柏悦酒店 签约入驻,再到CCBD产品体验会的亮相,一座越来越立体的CCBD离我们越来越近。 文化更新的苦旅需要耐心走完,关于西安CCBD的谜题也正慢慢解开。 如何用创新 …
Xi'an Tree creates a gathering point at Xi’an Centre Culture …
2024年12月21日 · A new district designed by Heatherwick studio has opened in Xi’an, honouring the Chinese city’s legacy of craftmanship and ceramics. The Xi’an Centre Culture Business District (CCBD) is located south of the city’s historic centre between the ruins of the Temple of Heaven and the prominent Shaanxi TV tower.
2020年8月20日 · 大西安三大轴线的古都文化传承轴南段电视塔及以南片区,可谓西安的黄金核心区,也是曲江新区大手笔定位的西安文化商务区(CCBD),其规划开发建设一直备受瞩目。 2020年8月19日,西安市自然资源和规划局官网公布了《西安文化商务区控制性详细规划》批前公示。 详细展示了CCBD空间结构、功能布局、土地利用、交通布局等,正式揭开了其未来真容。 一、区域位置. 西安中央文化商务区(CCBD)位于: 长安路电视塔以东,航天大道以北,西安 …
The Xi’an Tree: A Vertical Park by Heatherwick Studios
The newly opened Xi’an Centre Culture Business District (CCBD) in Xi’an, China, designed by Heatherwick Studios, is a dynamic urban development that celebrates the city’s rich heritage in ceramics while introducing a modern and sustainable urban environment.
这里是西安,这里有一棵Xi'an Tree - 澎湃新闻
2025年1月20日 · “探访城市新地标”系列首期,邀你一起登上Let's go“生命之树”Xi’an Tree。 近年来,西安的城市新地标不断出现,带给大家惊喜。 位于西安文化CBD国际文化商业中心的“生命之树”,英文命名为"Xi'an Tree",就是最近备受瞩目的城市商业新地标。
Xi’an Centre Culture Business District by Heaterwick Studio
2024年12月23日 · The Xi’an Centre Culture Business District (CCBD) is located on the city’s south side, next to a busy road, and in the historical center between the Temple of Heaven and the Shaanxi TV tower. In that sense, the District has a unique location and a diverse design with public space features.
Xi'an adds new landmark | govt.chinadaily.com.cn
2024年12月10日 · Located in the Xi'an CBD International Cultural and Commercial Center in Qujiang New District, the "Xi'an Tree" is a key part of this ambitious development. It covers 138 mu (9.2 hectares) with a total investment of 9 billion yuan ($124.28 million).