Xiezhi - Wikipedia
The xiezhi (獬豸[a]; xièzhì < Eastern Han Chinese * gɛʔ-ḍɛʔ[1]: 620 ) is a mythical creature of Chinese origin found throughout Sinospheric legends. It resembles an ox or goat, with thick dark fur covering its body, bright eyes and a single long horn on its forehead. It has great intellect and understands human speech.
獬豸又称獬廌、解豸(xiè zhì),是 中国 古代神话传说中的 神兽,体形大者如牛,小者如羊,类似 麒麟,全身长着浓密黝黑的毛,双目明亮有神,额上通常长一角。 獬豸拥有很高的智慧,懂人言知人性。 怒目圆睁,能辨是非曲直,能识善恶忠奸,发现奸邪的官员,就用角把他触倒,然后吃下肚子。 能辨曲直,是勇猛、公正的象征,是司法“ 正大光明 ”“清平公正”“光明天下”的象征。 [1] 獬豸额头上长有一角。 当人们发生冲突或纠纷的时候,獬豸能用角指向无理的一方,甚至会 …
Xie Lab, Sun Yat-sen University- Zhi Xie - sysbio.gzzoc.com
Dr. Xie is a professor of Bioinformatics and Genomics, Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China. He also holds an appointment as Vice Director of National Institute of Health Data, Sun Yat-sen University.
谢志 | 中山大学中山眼科中心
5.Chuan-Le Xiao#, *, Ying Chen#, Shang-qian Xie, Kai-Ning Chen, Yan Wang, Feng Luo*, and Zhi Xie*, MECAT: an ultra-fast mapping, error correction, and de novo assembly tool kit for single-molecule sequencing reads, Nature Methods 2017 Sep 18.
《山海经》中国神话传说上古神兽之獬豸 - 知乎
2023年5月28日 · 獬豸又称獬廌、解豸(xiè zhì),是中国古代神话传说中的神兽,体形大者如牛,小者如羊,类似麒麟,全身长着浓密黝黑的毛,双目明亮有神,额上通常长一角,俗称独角兽。 它拥有很高的智慧,懂人言知人性。 它怒目圆睁,能辨是非曲直,能识善恶忠奸,发现奸邪的官员,就用角把他触倒,然后吃下肚子。 又有神羊之称,是勇猛、公正的象征,是司法“正大光明”“清平公正”“光明天下”的象征。 姓名:獬豸 (xiè zhì ) 别名:独角兽 相关典故:《山海经》 形象 …
The Legendary Xie Zhi: The Beast of Justice and Righteousness
2024年10月25日 · Xie Zhi, a fascinating figure in Chinese mythology, represents the essence of justice and righteousness. This legendary beast is often depicted as a guardian of moral integrity, embodying the values that are deeply ingrained in Chinese culture.
The Legendary Xie Zhi: The Beast of Justice - Chinese Mythology
2024年10月25日 · Xie Zhi, a fascinating figure in Chinese mythology, is often depicted as a mystical beast possessing the ability to discern right from wrong. This creature stands as an emblem of justice, embodying the moral principles that guide society.
Zhi Xie - Google Scholar
Zhi Xie. Professor in Bioinformatics and Machine learning at Sun Yat-sen University. Verified email at sysu.edu.cn. Bioinformatics mRNA Machine learning. Articles Cited by Public access Co-authors. ... CL Xiao, Y Chen, SQ Xie, KN Chen, Y Wang, Y Han, F Luo, Z Xie. nature methods 14 (11), 1072-1074, 2017. 394: 2017:
谢志 | 精准医学科学中心 - Sun Yat-sen University
[email protected] 个人简介 谢志, 中山眼科中心教授、中山大学精准医学中心生物医学大数据平台负责人,中山大学学术委员会委员,国家高层次引进人才(青年项目)以及广东省特支计划科技领军人才,广东省生物信息学会理事长。
Xiezhi: Mythical Beast of Chinese Folklore
Xiezhi is a mythical creature from ancient Chinese mythology that possesses an innate ability to distinguish right from wrong. According to legend, the Xiezhi was a single-horned sheep or goat that had the power to divine the guilt or innocence of a person.
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