What is XIM? And why do some players use XIM? : r/apexlegends
An XIM is a device that mimics a controller input based on a Keyboard + Mouse input coming through. Mainly in games like Apex, Rainbow Six Siege or Overwatch that do not have very strong Aim Assist, XIMs are used to unfairly use keyboard and mouse to gain advantage over players on controller (because keyboard and mouse input was not designed ...
R6 Config : r/XIM - Reddit
2024年1月23日 · Xim Matrix r6 configs for Twitch, Ace, Thorn, Buck, Aruni Dokkaebi kaid Quick fire, Solis, and No script if your playing another operator, Fast spam crouch, Buttons to activate/deactivate all of them
What is XIM? : r/Rainbow6 - Reddit
2023年5月4日 · Copying my awnser from the last post about this to save time. Xim is an adapter that allows the use of mnk on console, and hides that it's doing so to allow it to bypass games like siege that don't allow it's use as it is cheating, and mousetrap is basically the anti cheat to try and stop it (personally should be harsher like you get caught 10 times it's permanent lag, saying 10 cause no legit ...
R6 Configs : r/XIM - Reddit
2024年1月18日 · Hey, I just got a xim matrix and I primarily play rainbow six siege, I downloaded the app that helps me manage my xim matrix but I have no idea how to make configurations that help with recoil in the game, so I was wondering if anyone has any configurations I could use for any operators and copy and paste it or just any tips on how to …
i was wondering if it’s still worth buying for r6 : r/XIM - Reddit
2024年2月10日 · They have tried and failed. XIM itself can't be detected. What they're looking for is mostly WASD movement. XIM has that covered with SAB, but it's better to use analog for movement. XIM MATRIX supports Wooting kb, Azeron keypad, Logitech G13, MaxxStick, Sony Nav controller and console controllers for analog movement.
Best SAB for R6 : r/XIM - Reddit
2024年1月8日 · That's a fair call, but analog movement is a great pairing with a XIM. Many games have left stick or rotational aim assist that you can't feel with WASD. Movement is 100% left stick deflection at all times and cuts right through it. Analog movement is 0 to 100% movement, along all 360 degrees, so it taps into rotational aim assist.
What are good xim apex settings for r6? : r/XIM - Reddit
2022年4月12日 · I'd recommend referring to Xim central on YouTube, his most recent r6 guide will go over everything you need to find your own sens. Just avoid his videos about recoil controll. One will increase your vertical sens whilst firing to help control the recoil but it can mess up your muscle memory.
Xim matrix for R6 : r/XIM - Reddit
2023年7月23日 · The unofficial XIM subreddit is a safe haven to discuss XIM input adapters for console & PC gaming. Ask questions about XIM game settings or hardware compatibility. Or share your XIM configs & Smart Actions with the community.
Do you guys have any tips on using xim on r6 console? : r/XIM
2022年12月26日 · I’ve used xim on r6 for about 3 years now. And I would say use t-hunt and have your xim app up and change your sense while in the t-hunt until it’s comfortable, make your normal sensitivity 100, 100 but put your ads sensitivity around 40-80. Or else you will jump pixels. And lastly make sure you have 2 keys that do the same things.
Is xim matrix detectable for r6 : r/XIM - Reddit
2024年4月1日 · Nor is R6 doing that manually by video review. R6 has MouseTrap to guess if a mouse & keyboard are used, but XIM MATRIX has Simulate Analog Behavior to comply with MT. MT isn’t 100% reliable and catches controller users too that have high in-game sensitivity &/or custom aim curves.