Ximian - Wikipedia
Ximian, Inc. (previously called Helix Code and originally named International Gnome Support) was an American company that developed, sold and supported application software for Linux and …
Ximian - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Ximian是一家為基於GNOME平台的Linux與Unix供應開放原始碼桌面應用程式的公司。Ximian(原名為Helix Code,再之前為International Gnome Support,儘管這名字實際上只在策劃階段時 …
Ximian - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
Ximian是一家为基于GNOME平台的Linux与Unix供应开放原始码桌面应用程式的公司。Ximian(原名为Helix Code,再之前为International Gnome Support,尽管这名字实际上只在策划阶段时 …
Get to Know Us | Ximian
We are the leading provider of desktop and server solutions helping to enable enterprise Linux adoption all over the world. Ximian offers a complete Linux desktop environment and …
An Open Source, Linux and Anything Digital Resource!
Think of the Linux command line as a direct conversation with your computer using text commands instead of clicking buttons or navigating menus. While most users are familiar with …
Open Source | Ximian
Ximian is one of the charter members of the GNOME Foundation, a promoter of the software, and a key contributor of code, time, expertise, bandwidth, and funding for the project. More …
Gnome、Ximian和Mono的创始人-Miguel de Icaza - 51CTO博客
2006年3月7日 · 首先是关于创建与Microsoft .NET相兼容的API,Novell和Ximian都只将注意力放在核心库和C#语言;很多其他参与者对Windows Forms、ASP.NET、Web Services或数据库等 …
Gnome、Ximian和Mono的创始人-Miguel de Icaza - CSDN博客
2006年3月7日 · Ximian公司于2003年8月被Novell公司收购。 从2001年开始,他与人合作,启动了另一存志高远的项目:Mono,一个Microsoft .NET Framework的自由GNU/Linux实现。 在这 …
Ximian - Wikiwand
Ximian是一家为基于GNOME平台的Linux与Unix供应开放源代码桌面应用程序的公司。 Ximian 由米格尔·德伊卡萨与Nat Friedman于1999年10月创立,于2003年8月4日被Novell收购。 Novell …
专访Miguel de Icaza .Net Linux 实现者 - 骆驼SPACE - 博客园
2006年5月20日 · Born in Mexico City, Miguel de Icaza was the driving force behind the creation of the Gnome free software desktop, and co-founded the open source company Ximian, bought …
Ximian - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - zh.wikipedia.org
Ximian是一家為基於GNOME平台的Linux與Unix供應開放原始碼桌面應用程式的公司。Ximian(原名為Helix Code,再之前為International Gnome Support,儘管這名字實際上只在策劃階段時 …
GNOME、Mono和Xamarin 的创始人离开微软
几年后,他与 Nat Friedman 一起创办了 Helix Code,随后更名为 Ximian,该公司 开发 了 GNOME 电子邮件客户端 Evolution 和 Ximian 的连接器,使 Evolution 能够与 Microsoft …
Corporate Solutions | Ximian
Ximian ® is the leading provider of desktop and server solutions enabling enterprise Linux adoption. Enterprises can cost-effectively deploy, integrate, and manage UNIX and Linux …
Novell snaps up Linux company Ximian - CNET
2003年8月4日 · Novell plans to create a business unit called Novell Ximian Services. Executives from the two companies said the union will help drive adoption of the Linux operating system …
Mono | .NET Foundation
Mono is a cross-platform and open source implementation of the .NET framework that was started independently in 2001. The technology was originally developed by Ximian, which was …
10 years of Ximian - Miguel de Icaza
2009年10月19日 · Today is the ten year anniversary of the incorporation of Ximian, Inc. A company founded by Nat Friedman and myself whose goal was to advance the state of the …
Ximian - Wikiwand
Ximian, Inc. (previously called Helix Code and originally named International Gnome Support) was an American company that developed, sold and supported application software for Linux and …
Ximian - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
2017年6月10日 · Ximian是一家为基于GNOME平台的Linux与Unix供应开放源代码桌面应用程序的公司。Ximian(原名为Helix Code,再之前为International Gnome Support,尽管这名字实际 …
Ximian - Alchetron, The Free Social Encyclopedia
2024年10月10日 · Ximian, Inc. (previously called Helix Code and originally named International Gnome Support) was a company that developed, sold and supported application software for …