[GUIDE] Best Xinyan Builds : r/Genshin_Impact - Reddit
2020年12月6日 · Xinyan’s recommended weapons should be either the Prototype Aminus or the Whiteblind. You can use a five-star weapon like the Wolf’s Gravestone, but at C0, Xinyan won’t be able to utilize it properly. The Prototype Aminus is a farmable weapon that boosts Xinyan’s attack. It can also deal ATK DMG to surrounding enemies every 15 seconds.
r/XinyanMains - Reddit
r/XinyanMains: 🔥A Community For Fans Of Xinyan From Genshin Impact; Your Favorite Rockstar🎸
Xinyan build for Eula support : r/Genshin_Impact - Reddit
2021年5月20日 · Even if Xinyan's shield is up, I'm using Ganyu at range, and I can keep freeze up at range, so Xinyan's shield doesn't interfere (nor does it last). With Skyward Pride, I can use Xinyan's burst a lot, so it lets that team deal with cryo mages and similar. Anyway, Xinyan works best as a burst damage dealer. Her shield support is an afterthought.
Xinyan Support build for Incoming Eula team. : r/XinyanMains
2021年5月11日 · Xinyan has super good synergy with Eula, not only because her shield gives a 15% phys bonus, but the shield pyro pulses are great for pyro application and letting Eula get melt procs with it. Not to mention that Xinyan’s burst is majority physical damage, and having a superconduct team already there means you get HUGE value out of it.
How to build Xinyan and more : r/Genshin_Impact - Reddit
2020年12月4日 · Xinyan can work in any team comp as a support, but if you want pyro resonance for your main DPS, you can run her like this: Main DPS/Xinyan/Bennet or Xiangling/Anemo With her as the main DPS, you can run: Xinyan/Bennet or Xiangling/Healer (if you run Xiangling/Anemo With that, I hope you finally learned how to build Xinyan.
Xinyan or Xiangling? : r/Genshin_Impact - Reddit
This is the official community for Genshin Impact (原神), the latest open-world action RPG from HoYoverse. The game features a massive, gorgeous map, an elaborate elemental combat system, engaging storyline & characters, co-op game …
Who do you guys think is a better shielder between Xinyan and
2021年10月17日 · Xinyan c2 also gives her close to 100% uptime on her shield. However, Noelle's crystallize can also give her 100% shield uptime. Just use which ever gives you better utility. Xinyan gives strong burst nuke, some pyro application and energy and Noelle gives healing and a powerful aoe ult mode. Both also give relevant resonances.
Question about Xinyan and Kaeya : r/Genshin_Impact - Reddit
2021年4月6日 · From Xinyan's outfit, including the drum, I'm pretty sure Xinyan is dark-skinned Asian. She also comes from Liyue, which is suggested to have both mainland China and Hong Kong influence (because one of the food styles is similar to …
C6 Xinyan dps build? : r/XinyanMains - Reddit
Posted by u/SAQZOOR - 13 votes and 12 comments
Thoughts on Xinyan? : r/Genshin_Impact - Reddit
ive tested this out! its not consistently overtime like bennets ult, but that pyro infliction carries over character on the initial switch. so lets say u cast shield w xinyan, it debuffs for like a second. if u switch to maybe childe, he gets the shield and a pyro debuff for a second. u switch to bennet, he gets a shield and a pyro debuff for a ...