M1147 Advanced Multi-Purpose - Wikipedia
The M1147 Advanced Multi-Purpose (AMP), also known as M1147 High Explosive Multi-Purpose with Tracer (HEMP-T), [8] [9] is a next-generation 120mm tank round developed by Northrop Grumman for the M1A2 Abrams main battle tank.
US Army tankers test the XM-1147 Advanced Multi-Purpose (AMP…
2021年11月4日 · The XM-1147 Advanced Multi-Purpose (AMP) round, a line-of-sight tank round developed by Northrop Grumman Defense Systems for the Abrams tank, is designed to do the job of four...
美国陆军批准全速生产 M1147 ,用一枚坦克炮弹取代四枚坦克炮 …
2025年1月21日 · M1147 AMP 弹是一种瞄准线全口径多用途弹药筒,专为 M1 艾布拉姆斯主战坦克设计,可提供增强的战场多功能性。 它将四种现有的 120 毫米子弹(M830 高爆反坦克弹药筒、M830A1 多用途反坦克弹药筒、M1028 罐式弹药筒和 M908 减障弹药筒)替换为单一解决方案。 这种整合显着提高了后勤效率,简化了艾布拉姆斯的基本负载,并解决了老化的库存挑战,确保了长期运营的可持续性。 AMP 弹药筒为艾布拉姆斯坦克人员提供了新的能力,可以击败对装甲 …
• DOT&E approved the operational test plan for the XM1147 AMP Cartridge, 120-mm, High Explosive Multi-Purpose with Tracer Round LUT in March 2020. • The Army began AMP live fire, lethality testing in June 2020, which included: - Ammunition sensitivity testing to determine any crew vulnerability to an onboard AMP energetic reaction
XM1147 Advanced Multi-Purpose (AMP) - 120mm Ammunition - GlobalSecurity.org
2023年9月26日 · The XM1147 120-mm AMP round is a line-of-sight tank round fired from the Abrams tank. Commanders employ units equipped with the XM1147 120-mm AMP round to close with and destroy the enemy...
The 120mm AMP round, termed XM1147, is a line of sight, full-bore multipurpose munition employed by Abrams tanks. The AMP round consolidates the capabilities of four rounds: the M830 High Explosive Anti-Tank round,
DOT&E published a classified M1147 120mm Advanced Multi-Purpose (AMP) combined IOT&E and LFT&E report in December 2022 assessing the cartridge’s operational effectiveness, lethality, suitability, and survivability. The M1147 AMP cartridge is a line of sight, full-bore multipurpose munition employed by Abrams tanks.
「1弹4用」 M1战车测试XM1147多功能炮弹 - 军事 - 中时新闻网
2021年11月8日 · 美国陆军表示,m1战车在前阵子完成xm1147多功能炮弹的性能测试,这型炮弹可以同时对付装甲目标、堡垒、建筑,也具有高爆炸效果,相当的实用。
XM1147 - Army Guide
120 mm Advanced Multi-Purpose (AMP), XM1147 High Explosive Multi-Purpose with Tracer cartridge. This new tank ammunition will provide Abrams Main Battle Tank crews a multi-purpose round that replaces four existing rounds, giving greater mission flexibility and main-gun capability through a single munition for multiple engagement scenarios.
全新四合一,美軍測試 M1A2 戰車多功能砲彈 | TechNews 科技新報
2021年11月5日 · 美國陸軍近日公布消息,隸屬第四步兵師第三裝甲旅的一個戰車小隊,成功的在亞利桑那州的尤馬試驗場,駕駛 M1A2 SEP V3 主力戰車,發射新型 XM1147 「先進多功能砲彈」。 戰車長 Jake Hall 少尉以及砲手 Nicholas Smearman 上士,被幸運的選為第一組發射這枚研發 …