120MM High Explosive Guided Mortar (HEGM), XM1160 of a Government written Statement of Work (SOW). This approach provides potential Offerors the flexibility to develop cost effective solutions and the opportunity to propose inno
Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles - Wikipedia
There were originally 17 FMTV variants—four variants in the nominal 2.5 U.S. ton payload class, designated Light Medium Tactical Vehicle (LMTV), and 13 variants with a nominal 5 U.S. ton payload rating, called Medium Tactical Vehicle (MTV). [5]
美国陆军作战车辆中口径与大口径弹药发展现况|引信|武器|火炮_网 …
XM1121是为陆上平台XM914机炮开发的新型编程弹药,以30x113mm高爆燃烧弹为基础加上了近炸引信,改进装药使得初速大幅增至1105米/秒。 XM1211的引信可选择近炸、碰撞、延迟碰撞三种模式,可有效对付如无人机空中目标、软目标及掩体后人员。 XM1223多模式近炸空爆弹 (MMPA)则是目前最新的发展中型号,由于XM1211是为防空系统而设计的编程高爆弹,不具备反装甲能力,因此美军在HEDP弹药基础上增加了新型编程引信,可有效反制无人机、装甲、步兵 …
Monthly Military: The FMTV - Diesel Army
2018年3月8日 · Versions of the FMTV have also been outfitted has launching platforms for the M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (M1140) as well as the Medium Extended Air Defense System (MEADS) with the XM1160 variant.
p-SDF Design Features Based on M223 Fuze Design Arming screw, weight, slider, housing, cover Compatible with M42, M46, M77 and M80 Grenades Functions with spin (XM1160, …
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SA_0213 - AUSA
Composed of both 2.5-ton 4x4 light medium tactical vehi-cle (LMTV) and 5-ton 6x6 medium tac-tical vehicle (MTV) payload-class vehi-cles and their associated trailers, the FMTV provides a single acquisition program designed to yield a logistically significant degree of component com-monality among variants.
2017年11月10日 · 据报道,美国陆军的120毫米高爆制导迫击炮弹项目已经进展到设计确认阶段,预计首份要求采购120毫米XM1160高爆制导迫击炮弹的草案将于2018年第一季度公布。
FMTV (Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles) Tactical Medium …
2019年7月2日 · Detailing the technical specifications, development, and operational history of the FMTV (Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles) Tactical Medium-class Military Truck including pictures.
2017年11月9日 · 预计首份要求采购120毫米XM1160高爆制导迫击炮弹的草案将于2018年第一季度公布。 陆军方面说,官员们希望于2021财年开始生产,并最终获得“约1.4万枚高爆制导迫击炮弹”。
FBODaily.com | FedBizOpps: MOD | 13 | 120mm XM1160 High …
2017年12月22日 · It is anticipated that the formal RFP will be issued in the 2nd Quarter FY18 (2QFY18) timeframe. The purpose of the attached DRAFT RFP is to receive feedback from potential offerors for the 120mm XM1160 HEGM. NO …
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