How to move 128-bit immediates to XMM registers
2017年5月23日 · The best solution (especially if you want to stick to SSE2 - i.e. to avoid using AVX) to initialize two registers (say, xmm0 and xmm1) with the two 64-bit halves of your …
difference between MMX and XMM register? - Stack Overflow
2017年10月23日 · Well, my learning of assembly was mostly incidental... what I know of x86 assembly comes most from profiling, post-mortem debugging and reverse engineering of …
performance - Using XMM0 register and memory fetches (C
2013年12月19日 · The final store to resVal "unties" the xmm0 register to allow the register to be freely "renamed", which allows more of the loops to be run in parallel. This is a typical case of …
ASM x86_64 AVX: xmm and ymm registers differences
2018年1月8日 · xmm0 is the low half of ymm0, exactly like eax is the low half of rax. Writing to xmm0 (with a VEX-coded instruction like vaddps xmm , not legacy SSE addps xmm ) zeros …
XMM register instructions and their c equivalents
2018年9月7日 · I'm trying to convert some x86 assembly back into C++, and I cannot figure out how this set of instructions was originally written. movd xmm0,eax ; byte read from device …
x86 Assembly How to properly get XMM0 into ST0?
2023年8月6日 · Store/reload is necessary to transfer from XMM to st0.Even though MMX registers alias the x87 registers, there's no way to use MOVDQ2Q mm0, xmm0 to get an 80 …
Add a constant value to a xmm register in x86 - Stack Overflow
2012年12月30日 · movsd xmm0,[_1] addsd xmm1,xmm0 If you are on x64, you can do this: mov rax,1.0 movq xmm0,rax addsd xmm1,xmm0 or use the stack if the type mismatch bothers you: …
OllyDbg and XMM0 vs MM0 registers - Reverse Engineering Stack …
How can I view the XMM0-XMM7 registers within OllyDbg? I can right click on the registers window and go to view MMX registers, but I'm not exactly sure that these are the same. I see …
how to work with 128 bits C variable and xmm 128 bits asm?
2014年3月13日 · After xor-ing into xmm0, the wrapper copies the result to xmm2 only to then copy it back to the stack. Overall, not terribly efficient. MOVQ copies 8 bytes at a time, and …
assembly - sha256rnds2 implicit register xmm0 - Stack Overflow
2021年12月1日 · Swapping xmm0 beside movdqa requires stores/loads from memory - 7 xmm registers are used per buffer: two for states and five for msgtmps. For two buffers I need 14 …