Interpreting xmrig message output when connected to p2pool
2022年7月30日 · So XMRig will show “accepted” but that doesn’t mean you have a “share” just the job that the pool sent to you was accepted back. You will never see that a share was …
New to XMRig? Here's some config.json tips! : r/MoneroMining
2021年9月18日 · Im running xmrig on an rpi4 8gb. If I run with set to one thread via command line with -t=1 i get 75 h/s. With 4 cores, shouldnt this be about 300? But never happens. how could …
Gupax v1.0.0 released - GUI for P2Pool+XMRig : r/Monero - Reddit
2022年12月20日 · XMRig tab - “XMRig binary not found at the given PATH in the Gupax tab!” When hovering over the start button. No option to configure on Gupax tab. Check for update …
How to force XMRIG to use all the cores and threads? : r/NiceHash …
Software/App: Stand alone XMRig Mining software. Generated config.json using xmrig wizard. At first I can only see 2 cores running with my hashrate of 127.4 H/S Editing config.json worked. I …
XMRig affinity setting : r/MoneroMining - Reddit
2021年8月15日 · Nexo is the world’s leading regulated digital assets institution. The company's mission is to maximize the value and utility of digital assets through our comprehensive …
Xmrig running on cpu on VM. How to fix? : r/MoneroMining - Reddit
2021年8月29日 · A lot of my first tests with Minecore were on VMs. The downside is persistence, which takes a little more work. But if it's not a VM, the suggestion is still valid. Running a …
How to fix "read error: "end of file"" message in xmrig?
2021年5月4日 · My miners do not have an antivirus or a firewall. The computer whom I control the miners with has a firewall but not an antivirus.
How do I disable the XMRig donate function ... - Monero Stack …
2021年6月5日 · One also needs to make sure that they have the following set in their config.json: "donate-level": 0.From the names of the constants in donate.h it can be inferred that they are …
Setting up XMRig to mine RTM : r/raptoreum - Reddit
2022年1月28日 · I have and am currently running XMRig to mine monero. Yeah I have the proper pool url with the stratum included. I’ve tired a couple different ones to see if it was just a …
How can I use XMRig to connect to monerod - Monero Stack …
2021年6月3日 · For starting monerod, you don't need any specific settings for localhost connections from XMRig (as used like above). If however you intend to connect instances of …