XOD Community
2025年3月3日 · XOD Programming Questions. 3: 76: January 5, 2025 SD card with ESP32. XOD Programming Questions. 1: 39 ...
Stepper motor+arduino nano - XOD Community
2022年8月25日 · Hi. Been away from xod for a while, but found a project that I think will fit it nicely. I have an arduino nano. I would like to control a stepper motor (the speed of the stepper motor), via a pot. I also need to be able to control the direction of the motor, but this only needs to be done once. First of all, this is what I am planning on buying. Does it …
ESP32 board support - XOD Community
2018年12月5日 · How can I use ESP32 with XOD? XOD Community ESP32 board support. gilyazov December 5, 2018, 5:30pm ...
Support for LittlevGL and low-cost touchscreens - XOD Community
2019年11月9日 · Has anyone explored XOD support for LittlevGL (https://littlevgl.com)? - an open-source embedded gui library that allows simple construction of touchscreen interfaces. This would complement the excellent 4D Systems libr…
ESP32 Preferences Library - Look What I’ve Done - XOD Community
2021年9月25日 · A menudo pienso en buscar la forma de hacer un fork iniciando una DAO / Startup para iniciar un escalamiento de XOD, Pero aun estoy analizando los posibles modelos de negocios, sin duda estarán relacionados con invertir en talentos capaces de escalar negocios relacionados con embebidos.
Error during build: text section exceeds available space in board
2024年12月19日 · Good day. I wrote a small sketch, LCD2004, displays temperature, atmospheric pressure, date, day of the week and time.
OLED Bitmaps and Animation - Hardware Interfacing Questions
2025年1月27日 · I only have one problem. I copied and pasted the XOD Logo node into my project and changed the byte array to add my image but it also changed the byte array for the XOD Logo node in the library. I tried making my own node using a “Not-Implemented-In XOD” node and adding the same inputs and outputs on the XOD Logo example but it did not work.
OLED Display Programming - XOD Programming Questions - XOD …
2024年12月6日 · Is there anybody that knows of any video tutorials on using XOD to integrate an OLED display? I have watched tutorials on OLEDs and they have just added to the confusion. Thank you in advance, I’m still learning this whole Arduino/XOD thing. I don’t have the opportunity to use it very much.
X27 589 automotive gauge stepper - XOD Community
2021年6月8日 · What I could do with is help on the XOD side of things maybe someone could suggest a suitable node and how to connect it. I’d like to be able to have a speed input and a position input 0-100% or 0.0 -1.0 for example.
Need Help with oled status display project - XOD Programming …
2024年12月26日 · If you want more discussion on style, layout, and encapsulation, my library gweimer/traffic-light-advanced — XOD is an extension on the original traffic light tutorial that explores more XOD features & their usage as well as design/usage considerations and thought processes involved in creating code (like starting simple and building on ...