OLED Display Programming - XOD Programming Questions - XOD …
2024年12月6日 · Is there anybody that knows of any video tutorials on using XOD to integrate an OLED display? I have watched tutorials on OLEDs and they have just added to the confusion. …
XOD Community
2025年3月3日 · Working with SD card in XOD ide. XOD Programming Questions. 1: 27: December 16, 2024 ...
Problem with not having the ESP 32 board in XOD
2020年7月9日 · I recently bought an ESP 32 (HELTEC WiFi kit 32) and was able to load and run the “blinking” sketch using arduino IDE…however, when attempting to upload a XOD sketch, …
AJ-SR04M Ultrasonic Module - XOD Community
2024年2月29日 · Hi Hi, I’m working on a project with an ultrasonic module that I’d like to have a range from 20 cm to 400 cm. I find that the normal HC-SR04 module just doesn’t seem to work …
XOD 0.14.0 released - Announcements - XOD Community
2017年10月4日 · The debugger and watches! Now, you can watch for value changes in real-time right inside the desktop XOD IDE. Place a xod/core/watch node, link it, and upload the …
One Reason I absolutely love the XOD IDE - XOD Community
2024年3月12日 · The cad drawing was done with Orcad 3 in “Dos”. I could not remember the logic wiring connections from 27 years ago, but XOD made it easy to figure that out. Just put some …
Library for Mpu 6050 (gy-521) - XOD Community
2018年9月29日 · Add the new version 1.2.3 of the gabbapeople/mbot-lib using the XOD IDE client. Now you need to require a third-party Arduino-library, but at this moment requiring third …
ESP32 led compile error - XOD Community
2019年3月23日 · If it can work in IDE port2, but not in XOD, it is something that also happens in ESP8266. There is also a problem already reported load for ESP32, I do not know if this is the …
My first XOD Tutorial - Look What I’ve Done - XOD Community
2018年3月31日 · I start by explaining the principles of XOD and then move on to using the IDE to build an enhanced version of the classic Arduino “Blink” sketch. I then move on to build an …
simulation not working - XOD Community
2024年5月12日 · Hello, first of all, I would like to thank everyone who developed “XOD” and helped it develop. I am Adnan, I am trying to make and learn software by using xod IDE in my …