XOT Optometry Abbreviation Meaning - All Acronyms
Optometry XOT abbreviation meaning defined here. What does XOT stand for in Optometry? Get the most popular XOT abbreviation related to Optometry.
List of optometric abbreviations - Wikipedia
They are used to denote clinical conditions, examination techniques and findings, and various forms of treatment. Visual acuity with eye chart at Distant 20 feet (6 m) and with (cc: Latin cum correctore) correctors (spectacles); Dsc is without (sc: Latin sine correctore) correctors. See Visual_acuity#Legal_definitions.
ALT XOT Alternating exotropia ARC Anomalous retinal correspondence A/V Arteriole/Venue ratio BE Both Eyes BIO Binocular Indirect Ophthalmoscopy BSV Binocular single vision BV Binocular vision BVD Back vertex distance BVP Back vertex power CD Centration distance C/D Cup/disc ratio CF Count fingers vision – state distance c/o or c.o. Complains ...
Optometric abbreviations - TranslationDirectory.com
Abbreviations are often used in optometric practice, and there have been attempts to compile lists of acceptable abbreviations. This article will try to collate this information in one area and also, where appropriate, indicate if the abbreviation may be region specific.
Binocular Summation and Other Forms of Non-Dominant Eye …
2013年10月29日 · Abbreviations: AE = Amblyopic Eye, FE = Fellow Eye, Dom = Dominant Eye, XOT = Exotropia, SOT = Esotropia, Sup = suppression, DS = Dioptre Sphere, Δ = Prism Dioptres. The main purpose of this study was to examine how sensitivity in strabismic amblyopes compares to the sensitivities of the dominant (fixating) and non-dominant (deviating) eyes so ...
Ophthalmology/Optometry Eye Abbreviations - TimRoot.com
Tim Root: Araceli, the term “deep and quiet” is used to describe an eye without any inflammation in the anterior chamber. If you want to understand this better, you may find my slit-lamp lecture useful.
Cover Test Techniques: The Ultimate Guide for Students - The Eye …
2024年5月23日 · Eye Deviates Outwards: An eye that deviates outwards (i.e. temporally and away from the nose) is known as an exo deviation. If the outwards deviation is manifest then it is an exotropia and if it is a latent outwards deviation then it is an exophoria 2,3.
XOT Flashcards - Quizlet
Study with Quizlet and memorise flashcards containing terms like Define XOT, How to record intermeittent XOT, How to record predominantly XOP and others.
Eye examination terms - College of Optometrists
The College of Optometrists 42 Craven Street London, WC2N 5NG. T: +44 (0) 20 7839 6000 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday (except bank holidays) Registered Charity No: 1060431
Exotropia Flashcards - Quizlet
Study with Quizlet and memorise flashcards containing terms like How is an exotropia classified?, How to investigate for an XOT?, How to check for suppression using the post operative diplopia test? and others.