LLM之Prompt(三)| XoT:使用强化学习和蒙特卡罗树搜索将外 …
Dec 11, 2023 · 本文介绍了XOT,一种结合强化学习和MCTS的Prompt技术,能解决现有Prompt的局限性,如IOPrompt的单步限制和CoT、ToT、GoT的计算成本问题。 XOT通过与LLM协作,提高思维质量和效率,尤其在复杂任务如24小时游戏和空间推理中表现出色。
Non-surgical Management Options of Intermittent Exotropia: …
Non-surgical treatment of IXT includes patch therapy, prism therapy, orthoptic sessions, and overcorrecting minus lens therapy. The objective of these treatments is to reduce the symptoms and the frequency of manifest deviation by decreasing the angle of deviation or enhancing the ability to control it.
Management of Intermittent Exotropia of the Divergence …
Prism therapy. Prescription of prisms for patients with IXT has varied purposes. Several types can be prescribed. A neutralizing prism reflects the exact magnitude of the deviation and is prescribed for full-time wear. In contrast, a relieving prism corrects a portion of the deviation, resulting in reduced fusional vergence demand, hence its name.
List of optometric abbreviations - Wikipedia
They are used to denote clinical conditions, examination techniques and findings, and various forms of treatment. Visual acuity with eye chart at Distant 20 feet (6 m) and with (cc: Latin cum correctore) correctors (spectacles); Dsc is without (sc: Latin sine correctore) correctors. See Visual_acuity#Legal_definitions.
LLM之Prompt(三)| XoT:使用强化学习和蒙特卡罗树搜索将外 …
Jul 2, 2024 · XOT使用强化学习和蒙特卡罗树搜索(MCTS)将外部知识注入Prompt过程。 XOT的关键组成部分是: LLM求解器——利用LLM的内部知识,对MCTS中的思想进行提炼和修正。 这种协作过程提高了思维质量。 三、XOT工作原理. XOT框架包括以下关键步骤: 预训练阶段 : 对MCTS模块进行特定任务的预训练,以学习有关高效 thought搜索 的领域知识。 轻量级策略和价值网络指导搜索; LLM推理 :把包括修改thought后的 最终Prompt提供给LLM来解决问题。 下 …
Measurement of Ocular Deviations - Measurement of Ocular
Method Head erect. Perform alternating cover test SLOWLY. Start with prism close to estimate. Carry on performing alternating cover test. Always look at the eye behind the prism bar. Increase prism strength until no movement seen. Then increase prism until opposite movement is seen.
XOT Flashcards - Quizlet
Study with Quizlet and memorise flashcards containing terms like Define XOT, How to record intermeittent XOT, How to record predominantly XOP and others.
Exotropia Flashcards - Quizlet
Study with Quizlet and memorise flashcards containing terms like How is an exotropia classified?, How to investigate for an XOT?, How to check for suppression using the post operative diplopia test? and others.
BVP 12 Flashcards - Quizlet
Study with Quizlet and memorise flashcards containing terms like what can exotropia be classified into, what can primary XOT be divided into, how do u differentiate between the intermittent primary XOTs and others.
INTERMITTENT EXOTROPIA: A Major Review - University of Iowa
Jan 19, 2006 · Basic Intermittent exotropia: is present when the deviation in the distance is within 10 prism diopters of the near deviation. Patients with basic deviation have a normal tonic fusional convergence, accommodative convergence (normal AC/A ration) and proximal convergence.
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