Kick is the most rewarding gaming and livestreaming platform. Sign-up for our beta and join the fastest growing streaming community.
xQc - YouTube
My personal YouTube channel. Guides and highlights from www.twitch.tv/xQc and Kick.com/xQc. xQc's top and funniest clips from 2023.
xQc Unpacks His Pain In Uncensored Dr. K Interview - YouTube
2023年8月30日 · xQc talks with Dr. K to improve his mental health. Subscribe to my other Youtube channels for even more content! xQc Reacts: https://bit.ly/3FJk2IlxQc Gaming...
xQc | Kick
Kick is the most rewarding gaming and livestreaming platform. Sign-up for our beta and join the fastest growing streaming community.
xqc - Twitch
费利克斯·伦耶尔 - 百度百科
费利克斯·伦耶尔(Félix Lengyel,网名xQc)是一名加拿大网络主播,前《守望先锋》职业选手,1995年11月12日出生于魁北克省拉瓦勒。 他在2016年开始其选手生涯,司职坦克,在其职业生涯中被认为是最好的温斯顿玩家之一,并曾在2018赛季期间效力达拉斯燃料队。 虽然xQc因其直播生涯而广受认可,但他最初是作为职业《守望先锋》玩家获得认可的。 他的电子竞技生涯始于 2016 年,在此期间他也开始定期直播。 2017 年底,他加入了达拉斯燃料队,这是一支参加《 …
顶流主播 xQc 签约新平台 Kick,对他日后的发展前景带来哪些帮 …
据纽约时报(TheNewYorkTimes)消息,海外直播平台Twitch顶流主播xQc(原名Félix Lengyel),现已与新平台Kick签署了… 目前海外直播市场上的最新竞争者,KICK,凭借它无比吸引人的超低平台5%抽成,吸引了许多创作者加入平台。 而最近呢,知名主播xQc和Amouranth就和KICK签订了非独占直播合约,帮助平台吸引了不少用户和关注度。 截止到6月28日,xQc和KICK签约之后的11天里,他直播了10天,而且是在两个平台同时直播。 这10天中,他在Twitch上的 …
Watch xQc - YouTube
Come watch xQc clips, highlights, and gameplay. Make sure to like, comment, and subscribe. Subscribe to xQcOW: https://www.youtube.com/c/xQcOW Subscribe on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/xqcow...
xQc - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Félix Lengyel (born November 12, 1995), better known by his online alias xQc, is a Canadian internet personality. He is a Kick and Twitch streamer. He is also a former professional Overwatch esports player. From 2020 until 2022, Lengyel was the most watched streamed on Twitch. [1][2][3]
Twitch Star xQc Signs $100 Million Deal With Kick, a Rival Platform
2023年6月16日 · Félix Lengyel, a Canadian known online as xQc, is signing a two-year, roughly $70 million contract, with incentives that could push the total to about $100 million, said his agent, Ryan...