what is the use of xterm in Ubuntu? - Ask Ubuntu
2015年8月5日 · By definition xterm is a terminal emulator for the X Window System. Since Ubuntu by default relies on X11 graphical server for any graphics - that's why xterm comes with Ubuntu. Now, unless you manually change it, both default terminal and xterm should run your bash shell, which is what actually interprets commands. Without shell, terminal ...
How to enable cut or copy-paste in xterm - Ask Ubuntu
2015年5月3日 · Open xterm: xterm & The above configuration does four things: Select and copy text into xterm: Hold the Shift key. Click the left mouse button. Select your text. Click the right mouse button to add it to the clipboard. Paste text into xterm by pressing Ctrl+Shift+V. Show the scrollbar. Customize the font.
How to change the default font size of XTerm? - Ask Ubuntu
2012年7月9日 · XTerm.vt100.translations: #override \n\ Ctrl <Key> minus: smaller-vt-font() \n\ Ctrl <Key> plus: larger-vt-font() If you use uxterm, be sure to use UXTerm.vt100.translations instead. Then you can use ctrl + + to increase font size or ctrl + - to decrease the size, just like you can with ctrl + right-click and selecting one of the other font ...
command line - Term, Xterm or Uxterm? - Ask Ubuntu
2012年1月14日 · Also, gnome-terminal font looks spectacular and you don't have to do xterm -fa font -fs 10 before hand after hitting [Alt][F2]. I guess you could setup gnome-terminal to open up xterm like that and exit. Another downfall of xterm is its lightweight-ness. It's archaic; it's like vim vs gedit. Unless you don't have a modern computer, just don't ...
unity - How does copy-paste work with xterm? - Ask Ubuntu
2013年1月9日 · Xterm uses cut buffers, not the standard X11 clipboard selection used for standard copy-paste that gnome-terminal and most other Linux programs now use. But if you start xterm like this: xterm -ls -xrm 'XTerm*selectToClipboard: true'& then selections are available via the standard clipboard.
Newest 'xterm' Questions - Ask Ubuntu
xterm is the standard terminal emulator for the X Window System. A user can have many different invocations of xterm running at once on the same display, each of which provides independent input/output for the process running in it (normally the process is a Unix shell).
Make "Open in Terminal" use Xterm - Ask Ubuntu
2020年9月11日 · For me, xterm also opens in the current folder just by calling xterm, and also starts in the current folder when I launch it from gnome-terminal. Thus, check your xterm configuration first. Alternatively, there are variables you can use in a nautilus script if you would need command line options to change the working directory. –
Simply set xterm title? - Ask Ubuntu
2015年4月30日 · xterm*allowTitleOps: false. xterm*Title: yourtitle (if you want a custom default title for all xterm windows) Again, if the .Xresources file doesn't exist, just create one. Last of all, use the xrdb -merge .Xresources command to make the changes take effect immediately. You should now be able to use the -T and -n options for any new xterm windows.
How to start xterm minimized in gnome - Ask Ubuntu
2020年1月5日 · Then, you can start an xterm minimized as follows: (xterm &); xdotool windowminimize $(xdotool search --sync --class xterm |head -1) Some explanation . . . obviously, the first command starts the xterm. You could start the terminal with a command or whatever. The second command minimizes the window with a supplied window id.
How do I set up hotkeys for a xterm? - Ask Ubuntu
2011年12月29日 · On xterm, press the Control key and at the same time left-click somewhere on the xterm window. A menu should appear, where you can select "Meta Sends Escape" that should do what you ask. To set this option as default, create a file of name .Xresources in you home, and put the following line into it: XTerm.metaSendsEscape: true then restart your ...