宣威市 - 百度百科
宣威市, 云南省 辖县级市,由 曲靖市 代管,位于云南省东北部,地处北纬25°53′~26°44′,东经103°35′~104°40′之间,东与 贵州 省 盘州市 相邻,南与曲靖市 沾益区 毗邻,西隔 牛栏江 与 会泽县 相望,北与贵州省 威宁县 接壤,总面积6069.88平方千米,市区距曲靖市政府驻地102千米,距省会昆明市240千米。 截至2023年6月,宣威市辖9个街道、13个镇、7个乡。 [8] [37] 截至2023年末,宣威市常住人口达116.96万人。 [36] 宣威历史悠久,秦以前属古夜郎辖地。 西汉置县, …
Xuanwei - Wikipedia
Xuanwei (Chinese: 宣威; pinyin: Xuānwēi) is a county-level city in the northeast of Yunnan Province, China, bordering Guizhou province to the east. It is under the administration of the prefecture-level city of Qujing.
Xuanwei County Travel Guide: Attractions, Tours, Climate, Food ...
Xuanwei is a county-level city, under the jurisdiction of Qujing, in Yunnan Province, China. There are many attractions for people to visit, since there is not only a scenery tour but also a food tour. Xuanwei Ham, produced in Xuanwei county in the northeastern Yunnan province, has a history of more than 250 years.
Xuanwei ham - Wikipedia
Xuanwei ham (Chinese: 宣威火腿; pinyin: Xuānwēi huǒtuǐ) is a dry-cured ham in Qujing Prefecture of Yunnan province, China. [1][2] Xuanwei ham has a 250-year history dating back to 1766. In 1909 it was first mass-produced and gained popularity. In 1915 Xuanwei ham won a gold medal at Panama International Fair.
Xuanwei Overview - Yunnan Exploration
Xuanwei City is located in the northeastern part of Yunnan province. It is Located at 103°35′- 104°40′longitude east, 25°53′- 26°44′latitude north, adjacent to Panxian in Guizhou Province in the east, Zhanyi County in the south, across Niulan River to Huize County in the west, and Weining County in Guizhou Province in the north, 260 ...
宣威市 - 《中国大百科全书》第三版网络版
2022年1月20日 · 位于 云南省 东部, 曲靖市 东北部(见图)。 面积6257平方千米。 常住人口137.47万(2018),有汉族、彝族、回族、苗族、白族、壮族、水族等民族。 地区生产总 …
Xuanwei Attractions: Top Sights & Must See Places of Interest in ...
Top Xuanwei Attractions include Dongshan Park (provincial tourist attractions), Wan Shui Park, Meihuan Mountain Park, Kedu ancient town, Laibin Dragon Cave, Western Hill Forest Park, Big Xiangshui, the sunrise of banyan peak. Plan your Xuanwei City tour and visit the top attractions in Xuanwei City of Qujing.
2025宣威旅游攻略,宣威自由行攻略,马蜂窝宣威出游攻略游记 - 马 …
宣威地处云南省东北部,为云南省曲靖所辖县级市。 东与贵州省盘县相邻,南与沾益县毗邻,西隔牛栏江与会泽县相望,北与贵州威宁县接壤,距省会昆明市260公里。 旅游资源较... 更多>> 那敢情好了 “店家夫妻两个特别热心! 感觉又便宜又实惠,好划算” 知秋 “宣威本身无好风光,去宣威就去看看吧! 知秋 “从此宣威有点风光了,原来我认为宣威无什么风光的,尼珠河在云贵交界处,尼珠河村开车只能从...” ynhxl “曲靖蒸饵丝的主料为当地产的筒子饵块。 它是用曲靖沿江、珠街 …
Xuanwei Map - City - Qujing, Yunnan, China - Mapcarta
Xuanwei is a county-level city in the northeast of Yunnan Province, China, bordering Guizhou province to the east. Mapcarta, the open map.
1866年,宣伟(Sherwin-Williams)创立于美国 俄亥俄州 克利夫兰 市 [6],是 世界历史 最悠久的涂料商之一。 发展业务遍及全球120多个 国家和地区,拥有6.4万多名员工和5,000多家自营店 ,2023年净销售额达到230.5亿美元, [15] 是全球市值最高的涂料供应商 [9]。 当地时间2024年11月1日,标普道琼斯指数公司表示,英伟达将于11月8日取代竞争对手、芯片制造商英特尔,涂料制造商宣伟将取代陶氏公司,成为道琼斯工业平均指数成份股。 [19] 作为全球少数能够提供 …
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