Xun Yuan - Google Scholar
Xun Yuan. Professor of Material Science & Engineering, Qingdao University of Science & Technology. ... X Yuan, SP Zhuo, W Xing, HY Cui, XD Dai, XM Liu, ZF Yan. Journal of colloid and interface science 310 (1), 83-89, 2007. 218: 2007: Engineering gold-based radiosensitizers for cancer radiotherapy.
青岛科技大学主页平台管理系统 袁勋--中文主页--首页
2014年博士毕业于新加坡国立大学化学与生物分子工程专业;2014/02-2017/08在新加坡科技局以博士后和研究科学家身份从事相关研究工作;2017年8月入职青岛科技大学材料学院,获聘教授、博士生导师,并组建了金属纳米团簇功能材料创新研究团队。 次年获评山东省泰山学者青年专家。 近年来的研究兴趣集中于功能纳米材料的设计及其在环境保护、生物医学、催化与能源转化等领域 …
袁勋 - 组员介绍 - 金属纳米团簇创新团队@青岛科技大学
★2014.02-2017.08,博士后&研究科学家,新加坡生物工程和纳米技术研究所, 导师:Jackie Ying教授. ★2010.01-2014.01,攻读博士学位,新加坡国立大学,导师:Xie Jianping教授. ★2006.09-2009.07,攻读硕士学位,山东理工大学,导师:禚淑萍教授、邢伟教授. ★2002.09-2006.07,攻读学士学位,山东理工大学. 二、研究方向. 1. 金属纳米团簇的合成及其在生物医学、环境、催化、能源转化等方面的应用. 2. 综合水处理:海水淡化、污水处理、雾水收集. 3.抗菌 …
研究成果-青岛科技大学金属纳米团簇课题组 - QUST
Yuan Xun*, Nano Res. 2023, 16, 1748. 80. Temperature-mediated in-situ formation of antimony nanoclusters inside carbon nanofibers for chloride-driven capacitive
Xun YUAN | Professor | Qingdao University of Science and …
Xun YUAN, Professor | Cited by 127 | of Qingdao University of Science and Technology, Qingdao (QUST) | Read 5 publications | Contact Xun YUAN
Embedding oxophilic rare-earth single atom in platinum ... - Nature
2023年6月24日 · Mechanism studies reveal that oxophilic single-atom lanthanide species in Pt nanoclusters can serve as the Lewis acid site for selective OH - adsorption and regulate the …
成果及论文 - 金属纳米团簇创新团队@青岛科技大学
Yong Liu, Xin Gao, Lu Zhang, Xin Du, Xinyue Dou, Xiaolong Shen, Haiguang Zhu, Xun Yuan, Recent Advances of Biomass Derived Electrode Materials for Capacitive Deionization. Current Nanoscience , 2022 , 18, 1.
Xun Yuan (0000-0001-6843-6466) - ORCID
ORCID record for Xun Yuan. ORCID provides an identifier for individuals to use with their name as they engage in research, scholarship, and innovation activities.
HOME | My Site
Xun Yuan, originally from Northeast China and now based in the Netherlands, is a documentary director and cinematographer. He pursued a major in Cinematography at the Communication University of China, and his BA graduation film, "The Muslim Emigrates Called Return," won the China Documentary Academy Award for Best Student Film and the Best ...
Xun Yuan - Semantic Scholar
Semantic Scholar profile for Xun Yuan, with 58 highly influential citations and 62 scientific research papers.