2025年1月7日 · STRONG CHEMICAL RESISTANCE PLUS CLARITY XYLEX resins are a transparent blend of polycarbonate (PC) and an amorphous polyester. Compared to PC, the polyester in XYLEX resin provides enhanced chemical resistance against certain fluids, enhancing the resin's stress crack resistance. It also permits lower processing temperatures than straight PC.
关于XYLEX,您了解多少呢?-科思德塑胶 - cn-plas.com
2018年6月22日 · XYLEX主要是沙伯基础创新塑料(SABIC)公司的PC/PET塑胶原料,中文名:聚碳酸酯加聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯,XYLEX强力的耐化学性加上透明的二甲苯树脂是透明的聚碳酸酯 (PC)和非晶态聚酯的混合物。 与PC相比,二甲苯树脂中的聚酯对某些流体具有更强的耐化学性,增强了树脂的抗应力裂纹性。 它还允许比直接PC机更低的处理温度。 PC(聚碳酸酯):是无色透明,光洁美观的塑料。 由于PC无毒、无异味,阻止紫外线透过性能及防潮保香性能好,耐 …
XYLEX™ Plastics by SABIC - Omnexus
XYLEX™ resins are a transparent blend of polycarbonate (PC) and amorphous polyester. The polyester in XYLEX™ resin provides enhanced chemical resistance against certain fluids, enhancing the resin's stress crack resistance. It also permits lower processing temperatures than …
XYLEX - Nexeo Plastics
XYLEX ™ is a versatile thermoplastic material known for its exceptional clarity, chemical resistance, and dimensional stability. With its unique combination of properties, XYLEX is well-suited for a wide range of applications in various industries. Characteristics and properties found across the product line include:
From making cars and planes more fuel-efficient, to helping conserve the world’s water supply and enabling colorful smartphone cases, we find solutions to the challenges of today to help our customers achieve their ambitions and build a better tomorrow.
XYLEX® PROTECT - Gelest, Inc.
A single application of XYLEX ® Protect helps disinfectants keep high touch surfaces hygienically clean around-the-clock for up to five weeks. XYLEX ® Protect Clean Surface Technology has been clinically tested in hospital settings and results showed that it enables more thorough and effective disinfection.
XYLEX™ X8300 resin 聚碳酸脂 + 聚酯 SABIC Innovative Plastics Europe 产品说明 PC+Polyester, UV Stabilized, Transparent 基本信息 UL 黄卡 E121562-220772 添加剂 紫外线稳定剂 外观 清晰/透明 加工方法 注射成型 多点数据 Coefficient of Thermal Expansion vs. Temperature
XYLEX® Protect - Gelest
Gelest has developed a clinically proven clean surface technology, XYLEX ® Protect, which creates an invisible, molecular barrier making it difficult for organic residue to adhere to the surface. It makes standard disinfectants more efficient and thorough, protecting surfaces and keeping them clean.
PC+POLYESTER unreinforced alloy. High flow, chemically resistant with excellent optical quality. UV-stabilized. 2017 Copyright by SABIC. All rights reserved.
沙特基础工业 Xylex PC/PET - ai-su.com
xylex-是透明的聚碳酸酯(pc)和无定形聚酯共聚。与pc相比,将聚酯在xylex树脂提供了增强针对某些流体的耐化学性,提高树脂耐应力开裂性。 与PC相比,将聚酯在XYLEX树脂提供了增强针对某些流体的耐化学性,提高树脂耐应力开裂性。