Graph y=0.5^x | Mathway
The equation of the horizontal asymptote is y = 0 y = 0. Free math problem solver answers your algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus, and statistics homework questions with step-by-step explanations, just like a math tutor.
Graphing Calculator - Desmos
Explore math with our beautiful, free online graphing calculator. Graph functions, plot points, visualize algebraic equations, add sliders, animate graphs, and more.
函数图像绘制工具 - 数字帝国
图形计算器 - Desmos
免费使用Desmos精美的在线图形计算器来探索数学奥妙。 功能包含绘制函数图形和散点图,视化代数方程式、新增滑块,动画图表等。 快来使用我们既精美又免费的在线图形计算器,一同探索数学! 其丰富功能包括绘制函数图形、散点图、代数方程式可视化、添加滑块和图表动画等等。
Equation Solver - Mathway
Enter the Equation you want to solve into the editor. The equation calculator allows you to take a simple or complex equation and solve by best method possible. Click the blue arrow to submit and see the result! The equation solver allows you to enter your problem and solve the equation to see the result. Solve in one variable or many.
求解 y=0.5^x | Microsoft Math Solver
How do you determine if the equation y = (0.5)x represents exponential growth or decay? I would say decay. Explanation: The way I would use is to write it as a fraction: \displaystyle {y}= {\left (\frac { {1}} { {2}}\right)}^ { {x}} so, every time you increase \displaystyle {x} the ... I …
y=x^0.5 - Wolfram|Alpha
y=x^0.5. Natural Language. Math Input. Extended KeyboardExamplesUploadRandom. Compute answers using Wolfram's breakthrough technology & knowledgebase, relied on by millions of students & professionals. For math, science, nutrition, history, geography, engineering, mathematics, linguistics, sports, finance, music…
绘制图像 y=0.5^x | Mathway
指数函数有一条水平渐近线。 水平渐进线的方程是 y = 0 y = 0。 免费的数学问题解答者采用逐步解题讲解方式回答您的代数、几何、三角集合学、微积分以及统计学家庭作业问题,就像一位数学辅导老师那样为您提供帮助。
求 y=0.5x的函数图 - 百度知道
2012年7月25日 · 令x=0,得y=0,经过原点, 令x=2,y=1,经过(2,1), 经过这两点画直线就是y=0.5x的图象。
y=0.5^x的图像是什么样的 - 百度知道
2016年4月25日 · 2011-08-28 y=x的五次方 图像是什么形状 4 2015-10-30 y=(-2)^x 的函数图像是什么样? 22 2013-12-15 画出y=0.5x^2-3x-2.5 的图像,并根据图像回答下... 5 2007-09-13 y=e的-x次方的函数图像是什么样子的? 50 2016-06-02 x^2+y^2=x的图像是什么样的? 33 2017-06-04 求问y=e^-x图像怎么画 202
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