钇90是较理想的治疗用 放射性核素,其 半衰期 为64h,辐射类型为纯β辐射 (0.9MeV),可由90Sr-90Y 发生器 得到。 90Y主要用于制备 治疗用放射性药物。 国际上应用的90Y 微球 有两种 …
Yttrium-90 - Wikipedia
Yttrium-90 (90 Y ) is a radioactive isotope of yttrium. [2] Yttrium-90 has found a wide range of uses in radiation therapy to treat some forms of cancer. [3] Along with other isotopes of yttrium, it is sometimes called radioyttrium.
Y-90 radioembolization for liver cancer - Mayo Clinic Health System
2023年7月14日 · Radioembolization is a type of transarterial therapy that strategically attacks liver tumors with localized, high doses of radiation. The treatment often is called Y-90. This refers to …
钇-90微球放射栓塞治疗(一) - 知乎
Y90 Therapy in Nuclear Medicine: What You Need to Know
2019年10月31日 · Radioembolization with Y90 is a minimally invasive procedure primarily used in the treatment of liver cancer. In contrast to most nuclear medicine applications, Y90 is therapeutic and designed to treat rather than simply diagnose.
肝癌“核武器”——钇90/Y90,“一针”治肝癌 - 知乎
钇90树脂微球治疗是 介入治疗 中的一员,也是被FDA批准,用于治疗不可切除的肝细胞性肝癌的选择性内放射治疗,属于精准放疗。 它的治疗原理是通过一次微创介入手术,将数百万个含有放射性Y90物质的树脂微球注射到肝脏肿瘤的滋养血管内,让微球进入病灶内部,利用其释放的β射线近距离杀死癌细胞。 钇90打的不是化疗药,打的是放射性同位素,这种同位素就像重磅的‘核弹’,通过肝脏血管打到肿瘤局部,进行局部引爆把肿瘤杀死,有了这种新的治疗武器,会有更多的肝 …
Targeted radiation therapy: Y-90 and liver cancer
2023年10月3日 · Radioembolization is a type of transarterial therapy that strategically attacks liver tumors with localized, high doses of radiation. The treatment often is called Y-90. This refers to the radioactive isotope yttrium-90 that is inserted into tiny glass beads and injected into the tumor's blood supply.
Y90 Treatment | MD Anderson Cancer Center
Y90 radioembolization allows doctors to treat the cancer without removing large portions of the liver. Depending on the patient, treating hepatocellular carcinoma with Y90 radioembolization can: help cure the disease. help slow or stop the cancer’s progress and relieve symptoms.
Radioembolization (Y90) - RadiologyInfo.org
Radioembolization is a minimally invasive procedure that combines embolization and radiation therapy to treat cancers in the liver. Tiny beads filled with a radioactive isotope are placed inside the blood vessels that supply a tumor.
指南共识丨朱海东教授解读《钇‑90微球选择性内放射治疗肝脏恶 …
2024年3月12日 · 钇‑90微球选择性内放射治疗(90Y‑SIRT)是治疗肝脏恶性肿瘤的重要手段之一。 自2022年1月我国首个钇-90微球注射液获批上市以来,经过两年多的临床大规模实践积累,规范性文件《钇‑90微球选择性内放射治疗肝脏恶性肿瘤规范化操作专家共识(2024版)》 [1]于近日正式发布。 本刊特邀 共识执笔专家之一、东南大学附属中大医院介入与血管外科朱海东教授,从共识制定背景和初衷、内容要点和亮点、推广落地和尚待解决问题这四个方面进行深度解读。 …