快手Y-tech:短视频智能创作的CV技术和发展趋势 - CSDN博客
2021年6月16日 · 快手Y-tech 介绍. Y-tech团队是快手公司在人工智能领域的探索者和先行者,致力于计算机视觉、计算机图形学、机器学习、AR/VR等领域的技术创新和业务落地,不断探索新技术与新用户体验的最佳结合点。
IT Consulting Services in Annapolis, MD | Y-Tech
Y-Tech provides innovative, reliable, and cost-effective IT solutions and consulting services to federal and state agencies, nonprofits, and the private sector. " *
York Tech Spartans | Comprehensive Technical Education | 2179 …
3 天之前 · York Tech combines the best technical training with the core subjects necessary for a complete education. Students graduate with the credits needed for postsecondary education AND training to start a rewarding career. York Tech has been …
y-tech - LinkedIn
y-tech is a leading managed IT service company that has been delivering exceptional IT solutions to the global market since 2005. We operate on the firm belief that every company should...
2021年6月11日 · 本次大会汇集来自世界各地的人工智能领域专家,共同为人工智能的未来发展建言献策。在6月5日召开的计算机视觉专题论坛上,快手Y-tech部门A……
快手AI开放平台 - Kuaishou
快手科技Y-tech AI实验室斩获「2019年CCF科学技术奖」 快手 AI 实验室 Y-tech 团队自主研发高效的端上推理引擎 YCNN 及拍摄相关 AI 算法,针对普及率高的中低端手机做了大量优化,运用高效的模型结构设计和模型量化压缩技术,将以往只能在高端 PC 或服务器上才能 ...
快手Y-tech - 知乎
2023年6月5日 · 快手Y-tech 已认证账号 一、摘要本文介绍了快手数字美妆系列下的钻石口红效果,与传统美妆效果不同,该效果采用3D渲染技术,模拟真实场景下口红点缀亮片后光芒四射的效果。
Y-Tech Solutions
Y-Tech Solutions has a wide range of experience in providing cutting-edge IT solutions for a number of industries and businesses of all sizes. We believe in long-term relationships, so our programs are tailored to our clients' unique requirements.
Y-Tech Labs
Empowering Businesses with Advanced AI Research and Intelligent Feature Development. Whether you're a startup or an enterprise, our solutions are designed to grow with you. From predictive maintenance to process optimization, we help you save time and resources while maximizing output.
About Us - York Tech Spartans
York County School of Technology, also known as York Tech, is a comprehensive technical school that offers a well-rounded curriculum. Each student takes traditional academic courses and works toward certifications in their chosen technical area.