Shoulder (lateral scapula view) | Radiology Reference Article ...
2024年4月12日 · The lateral scapula shoulder or Y view is part of the standard shoulder series. Orthogonal to the AP shoulder (note: as is an axillary view); this view is a pertinent projection to assess suspected dislocations, scapula fractures, and degenerative changes. It is also useful in seeing both the coracoid and acromion process in profile.
PyTorch中的view ()函数用法示例及其参数详解_.view (-1)-CSDN博客
2019年10月11日 · (1) 作用:该函数返回一个有__相同数据__但不同大小的 Tensor。 通俗一点,就是__改变矩阵维度__,相当于 Numpy 中的 resize () 或者 Tensorflow 中的 reshape () 。 (2) 参数:view ( *args ) x = torch.randn(4, 4) print(x.size()) y = x.view(16) print(y.size())
Y View - Northwestern University
The Y view anatomy: The Y view is shot in an angle that separates the scapula and humerus from the ribs. It’s essentially a true lateral of the scapula. The scapula looks like a Y when viewed laterally. Laterally, the body of the scapula, acromion, …
Shoulder Y view » 亞東紀念醫院影像醫學科
2023年10月24日 · 患側肢humerus (肱骨)前面貼靠著偵測板,身體向外轉45°,抬頭挺胸,患側肢手臂自然下垂。 病人需抬頭挺胸將後背的肩胛骨凸顯出來。 如果病人無法配合立姿或坐姿,亦可採用仰躺著姿勢患側部抬高 (後背與偵測板夾角約45°)。
The Shoulder - Radiology Key
2019年3月23日 · The Grashey or posterior oblique view ( Figure 2-1 C ) is a tangential view of the glenohumeral joint obtained with 35° posterior rotation of the shoulder. This view is particularly useful in disclosing fractures of the anterior glenoid rim and confirming the presence of a posterior (glenohumeral) shoulder dislocation as identified by an ...
Anteroposterior shoulder view and scapular Y view radiographs.
Anteroposterior, axillary lateral and scapular Y-view images are the primary routine radiographic evaluation tools in patients with recurrent instability (Figure 3).
Radiograpic views for shoulder joint | PPT - SlideShare
2018年3月22日 · This document provides information on various radiographic views of the shoulder joint, including positioning, technical details, and radiographic anatomy seen in each view. It describes the standard anteroposterior, axial, and reverse axial views as well as special projections like the Garth, Wallace, Y, West Point, Stryker, and Grashey views.
X-ray Radiographic Patient Positioning - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
2022年12月11日 · The axillary view is a substitution for the scapular Y view. In the trauma setting, it is a more reliable assessment of glenohumeral alignment as it is less susceptible to patient positioning and technique errors.
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Y-View GS - Yokogawa
With Y-View’s flexible connectivity and configuration options, a wide range of diversified requirements can be met... Y-View’s data transfer function acts as a communications gateway allowing devices that do not utilize a common protocol to seamlessly share data. Each driver can support up to 31 transfer tables with up to 128 transfers per table.
Untitled Document [anatomy.host.dartmouth.edu]
The Y-view is taken by aligning the x-ray beams parallel to the plane of the scapula so that it can be seen "floating" over the thoracic wall. In a healthy patient, the humeral head should be in alignment with the glenoid cavity of the scapula.