Two Faces of the Y2K Era: PS3 and PS3 Slim : r/PS3 - Reddit
2023年6月4日 · 200K subscribers in the PS3 community. The PlayStation 3 Subreddit (PS3, PlayStation3, Sony PlayStation 3). From hardcore gamers, to, Nintendo fans…
PS3’s And PSN Are Halted Cause of The Y2k Bug
2010年3月1日 · Essentially the Y2k bug finally hit us. After 10 years of feeling safe we were struck. Personally I think that’s what the bug was waiting for, people living in a false sense of comfort so it could strike and make fans (and vast amounts of children) cry because their games wouldn’t play for over 24hrs.
Screenshots of miscellaneous Y2k games of the late 90s-mid 2000s
A subreddit about Y2K (also known as Cyber Y2K, Futuristic Y2K, or Kaybug), an aesthetic that was prevalent in pop culture from 1998 to 2004 and, to lesser extents, 1997 and 2005. We also allow posts that aren't futuristic or sci-fi, but have late 90s to early 2000s vibes.
Y2K-Type Glitch Bugs PlayStation 3 Users - CBS News
2010年3月1日 · Sony Corp. said a glitch has knocked PlayStation 3 users off the game console's online network, and the company warned that data loss could occur if gamers continued using the machines.
Remember when PS2 was considered a major example of "Y2K ... - Reddit
Y2K was the turn of the century when people thought computers were going to be the death of society. Why does anyone associate that with the ps2? I think this should be called 2000s aesthetic, which would be things like ps2, hit clips, classic …
PS3 Killzone 3 Y2k Video Game Sony PlayStation 3 Greatest Hits
PS3 Killzone 3 Y2k Video Game Sony PlayStation 3 Greatest Hits Disc Only 2011 PS3 Killzone 3 Y2k is a shooter video game for Sony PlayStation 3, part of the Killzone Series. Released in 2011 by Sony Computer Entertainment, it is rated M for Mature.
Sony PS3 owners paralysed by Y2K-like bug - The Sydney …
2010年3月2日 · Glitch knocks Playstation 3 users off the game console's online network and the company warns that data loss could occur if gamers continue using the machines.
'소니의 굴욕' PS3 'Y2K' 오류, 네티즌이 먼저 원인 찾아
2010年3月2日 · 일본 소니사의 가정용 게임기 플레이스테이션 3 (PS3)의 'Y2K' 유사버그는 2010년을 윤년으로 잘못 설정한 문제로 밝혀졌다. 지난 1일 구형 PS3를 사용하는 네티즌들은 'Y2K버그 (2000년을 인식하지 못하는 컴퓨터 오류)'와 유사한 이상 현상에 게임커뮤니티를 통해 불만을 제기했다. 이 같은 현상은 2일 오전이 되어서야...
PS3 owners paralysed by Y2K-like bug - PS3 - Whirlpool Forums
2010年3月2日 · Sony said in a blog post on Monday that the problem was likely caused by a bug in the clock functionality incorporated in the system, reminiscent of the Y2K bug a decade ago. The problem is affecting older PlayStation 3 models, but NOT the newest slim version that went on sale in September.
Y2K是啥?20年前的时髦,却在20年后爆火? - 知乎
到了近两年,音乐视觉中 Dua Lipa 、Lady Gaga 、BLACKPINK都有新专辑在视觉层面以Y2K为主。 而T台上的Y2K也同样火爆,以荧光绿和金属感为代表的 Y2K 标志性元素都被大牌设计师大量使用。 Miu Miu 的 Y2K 风 2021 春夏系列. 可见,Y2K早已成为打着“亚文化”身份的主流文化,它的流行不是啥“偶然事件”,而是设计师们一直没有停止过从千禧年那个想象力爆棚的时代汲取灵感。 Y2K的爆红显然不是巧合,它是在科技与时尚的碰撞之中诞生,自有一番独特美感。 纵观各个 …
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