How many lengths of rebar makes a ton: y10, y12, y16, y8 & y20
In this article we know about how many lengths of y8, y10, y12, y16, y20, y25, y32 and y40 rebar makes a ton. To calculate number of rods that makes a ton, divide the 1000 kilo (1 ton) by weight of rebar kg per meter. For example: if unit weight of y12 is 0.888 kg/m, number of lengths of y12 = 1000/ 0.888 = 1126 meters.
請教師兄們Y40,D40,R40有咩唔同? - Discuss.com.hk
2022年1月3日 · 建築用grade 500B 螺紋鋼筋, Y50, Y40, Y32, Y25........ yield point 或 0.2 Proof Load 要 500MPa 以上. Round Bar 光身一般市埸只見 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm. 多數 grade 250, 屬於 mild steel. 做圍攔, 支架, ....之類立雜野. 建築用grade 500B 螺紋鋼筋, Y50, Y40, Y32, Y25........ yield point 或 0.2 Proof Load 要 500MPa 以上. Round Bar 光身一般市埸只見 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm. 多數 grade 250, 屬於 mild steel.
Y40Mn - 百度百科
Y40Mn是高硫中碳易切削钢,有较好的切削性能,与45号钢相比可提高刀具寿命四倍,提高生产效率30%,有较高的强度和硬度,适于加工要求刚性高的零件,如丝杠、光杆、 齿条 和花键轴等。 通过设计不同形状的 模具,冷拉出不同截面形状、不同规格公差的易削切钢。 角度可成直角或圆角。 高精确度使用高质量的 硬质合金模具,确保公差准确、统一。 先进的冷挤压 工艺 使得易削切钢产品表面光滑明亮。 以 热轧 或冷拉状态交货,交货状态应在合同中注明。 Y40Mn是高硫 …
Reinforcing Y40 Bar (High Tensile) - Reinforcing & Mesh Solutions
Reinforcing Y40 Bar (High Tensile) | Reinforcing & Mesh Solutions offers mild Steel (SANS 920:2011 – 250MPa) stock length quality steel.
Phosphorus reduces the steel plasticity and toughness and appearing cold brittleness. Meanwhile, It can significantly increase the strength of steel, and improve the atmospheric corrosion stability.
Y40 x 12m Steel Bar/ High Tensile BS (9Pcs/Bundle)
Key Features & Benefits of Y40 BS Steel Bar ️ 40mm Diameter – Heavy-Duty Reinforcement for high-load concrete structures. ️ 500-650 MPa Yield Strength – Ensures maximum structural …
Y40 – HTD Steel Bar (Per Bundle) - Unitrade
Reinforcement bar for building industries.
Y40Mn Chemical composition, Y40Mn Properties, Y40Mn ... - Steel Grades
This page cover the Mechanical Properties, Chemical Element, Cross Reference of China GBT Y40Mn steel grade, Application China structural steel and alloy steel,
This page is mainly introduced the Y40Mn Datasheet, including chemical information,mechanical properties, physical properties, mechanical properties, heat treatment, and Micro structure, etc. It also contains the use of Y40Mn,such as it is commonly used in bars, sheet,plates, steel coils, steel pipes,forged and other materials application.
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