Y9S1 Designer's Notes - Ubisoft
The LMG-E's recoil is one of the hardest to control in R6, especially if the player tries to empty its magazine without releasing the trigger. We've seen how this weapon's popularity and performance has decreased during the last few seasons, and that is why we want to make the recoil less challenging for players.
Y9S1 Patch Notes Addendum - Ubisoft
You can find here the updates and fixes for the Y9S1 patch. Find the download sizes for each platform below. FIXED - Aiming down sights while holding a shield and handgun is too fast. FIXED - Damage for Bailiff 410 decreased when laser sight is equipped. FIXED - Missing ACOG attachment for AK-74M.
Y9S1 Streamer Charms - Ubisoft
New Rainbow Six Siege Streamer Charms for Y9S1! Announcing the next Streamer Charms! Each season will bring the release of new charms, as well as the return of streamer charms from previous seasons! New. Frankystrings. Pxppy. Eternal_Regina. Returning.
Y9S1.0 设计师笔记 | 《彩虹六号:围攻》 - 哔哩哔哩
在最新版本的设计师笔记中,我们将详细介绍 Y9S1 更新带来的平衡性更改,并让您深入了解其背后的原因。 干员数据统计 (PC) 胜率 VS. 出场率. 请注意,我们使用“上场率量干员的受欢迎程度。 这个概念必须被引入,以反映“选择与禁用”机制的实施。 上场率定义:干员在未被禁用时的选择率。 胜率差值:胜率差值是根据每个炸弹点的干员胜率差值进行汇总的。 干员禁用率. 干员平衡. AZAMI. 牙刃壁障. 壁障有999血量。 壁障可以被子弹破坏。 对壁障造成的伤害取决于武器的口 …
Y9S1更新补丁 - R6S百科 | 虹彩六號:圍攻行動 | Tom Clancy's …
阅读下方的Y9S1补丁说明以获取完整信息。 本赛季,我们为Montagne,Blitz,以及所有以防弹护盾为主要武器的干员带来了更新。 我们移除了腰射,新增了持盾冲刺的能力。 这些干员将可以使用防弹护盾瞬间突破满血封阻物。 同时我们还为防弹护盾增加了新的动画,这些动画能够展现触发装置、武器换弹和投掷设备等操作细节。 持有防弹护盾的干员在被射击时,移动速度会降低,视野也会改变,这些效果将会在压制他们的火力结束时才会消失。 通过自由观察机制,玩家可以 …
Rainbow Six Siege Y9S1: Operation Deadly Omen — Huge Update!
2024年2月24日 · Rainbow Six Siege has revealed what's to come in Year 9 Season 1, known as Operation Deadly Omen. Here are the major updates and changes to look forward to come in March. Is Master Chief in Rainbow...
Rainbow Six Siege Y9S1: Release Date & Start Time For New Update
2024年3月10日 · Ubisoft has confirmed that Rainbow Six Siege Y9S1: Operation Deadly Omen will officially be released on Tuesday, March 12th at 6AM PT / 9AM ET / 1PM UTC / 1PM GMT for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5,...
Rainbow Six Siege Y9S1 Designer Notes - Tom Clancy's Rainbow …
2024年2月27日 · Clears the shields' Suppressive Fire debuff. Reduces its effect by 50% if applied while affected by Adrenal Surge. The weapon reload bonus from the Adrenal Surge has been removed to make the bonus...
Rainbow Six Siege Y9S1: Release Date Window, New Operator and ...
2024年2月27日 · Ubisoft has officially revealed that Y9S1 will be called Operation Deadly Omen. This season will see a brand new villain Operator, Deimos, added, alongside new attachment upgrades, player protection improvements and a new inventory management menu.
R6 Siege Y9S1 Operation Deadly Omen Reveal Panel and Year 9
2024年2月24日 · As stated by Ubisoft, Rainbow Six Siege’s Y9S1 ‘Operation Deadly Omen’ Reveal Panel will take place on February 24 at 9:30 AM PT / 6:30 PM CET at 2 PM EST (11 AM PT, 8 PM CET). You can also earn a free charm by watching the reveal panel live on Twitch.
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