Republic Night/Adverse Weather A-10 (YA-10B)
Although the A-10 N/AW test program was successful, the program was canceled because of advancements in night attack equipment (i.e. LANTIRN). The A-10 N/AW was redesignated the YA-10B in the early 1980s. Besides the A-10 N/AW, the USAF investigated the conversion of a limited number of A-10As into two-place trainer aircraft.
The story of the YA-10B (formerly Night/Adverse Weather A-10) …
2021年9月7日 · The Night/Adverse Weather A-10 was redesignated the YA-10B in the early 1980s. In March 1979, the first preproduction A-10A (S/N 73-1664) was returned to the Republic factory for conversion to a prototype two-place variant of the A-10.
Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II - Wikipedia
The Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II is a single-seat, twin - turbofan, straight-wing, subsonic attack aircraft developed by Fairchild Republic for the United States Air Force (USAF). In service since 1977, it is named after the Republic P-47 Thunderbolt, but is commonly referred to as the "Warthog" or simply "Hog". [3] .
YA-10B为了能执行夜间/全天候任务而挂载了红外/雷达传感器吊舱,可以向飞行员提供夜视图象。 吊舱挂载在机腹中心线挂架上。 在生产型中将移到主起落架的导流罩中。 费尔柴尔德公司把YA-10B作为具有全部作战功能的教练机来推销,后来又说成是空中压制飞机,但是美国空军对它根本就不感兴趣。 最后,YA-10B作为海上攻击机向海外市场推销,也未获成功。 加装了第二个飞行员座位,垂尾也相应加大。
The World's Only Two-Place Warthog in Action, The A-10B
2021年4月5日 · The Air Force looked at converting a small number of A-10As into two-place Warthog pilot training aircraft. These trainers would have been designated A-10B, but the program was canceled before any aircraft were modified. Today the singularly unique YA-10B can be seen at the Air Force Flight Test Center Museum at Edwards AFB.
The only two-seat Warthog ever built: the story of the YA-10B …
2024年1月11日 · The A-10 N/AW was redesignated the YA-10B in the early 1980s. Besides the A-10 N/AW, the USAF investigated the conversion of a limited number of A-10As into two-place trainer aircraft.
服役了40多年,只有2个型号?A-10“疣猪”攻击机的兄弟们 - 知乎
Republic YA-10B, S/N 73-1664 - FLIGHT TEST HISTORICAL …
2022年1月27日 · The Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II is a twin-engine, straight-wing jet aircraft developed in the early 1970s. The only USAF aircraft designed solely for close air support of ground forces, the A-10 was built to attack tanks, armored vehicles, and other ground targets with limited air defenses.
A-10 雷电II 攻击机 衍生型号 - 爱空军 iAirForce
增加全天候作战能力的双座试验型,后来改名为YA-10B,只有1架。 A-10A的精确攻击计划(Precision Engagement,PE)升级型,新加了多项改进,如 有新型玻璃化座舱,包括两个5.5吋彩色多功能显示器,具有移动地图功能;整合式数字信息管理系统;新型火控系统;高级数据链;全天候多用途的多种不同吊舱;使用精确制导武器的能力,包括联合直接攻击弹药;俱有风偏修正的投弹系统;有ROVER,可以将机上所得的资料,包括图像传送给前线的地面部队。 由雷 …
唯一的一架双座型“疣猪”—YA-10B - 百家号
A-10 N/AW 在 1980 年代初期被重新命名为 YA-10B,这架S/N 73-1664 的疣猪也成为了唯一一架双座A-10攻击机. 以史为鉴,天下杂谈,实事求是!