Evidence for discrete modes of YAP1 signaling via mRNA splice isoforms ...
2021年5月1日 · Yes-associated protein 1 (YAP1) is a transcriptional co-activator downstream of Hippo pathway. The pathway exerts crucial roles in organogenesis and its dysregulation is associated with the spreading of different cancer types. YAP1 gene encodes for multiple protein isoforms, whose specific functions are not well defined.
Yeast AP-1 like transcription factors (Yap) and stress response: a ...
Yap1 is a direct regulator of ROX1, which in turn represses FET4 . Yap1 also plays an important role in arsenic compound detoxification by regulating genes encoding several of the cellular antioxidant defenses, important to mitigate arsenic-generated ROS .
YAP1 - Wikipedia
YAP1 (yes-associated protein 1), also known as YAP or YAP65, is a protein that acts as a transcription coregulator that promotes transcription of genes involved in cellular proliferation and suppressing apoptotic genes. YAP1 is a component in the hippo signaling pathway which regulates organ size, regeneration, and tumorigenesis.
yap1促进nsclc的增殖、侵袭及转移,促进了nsclc肿 瘤干细胞的更新及血管拟态,降低了NSCLC对化疗、放疗、表皮生长因子受体-酪氨酸激酶抑制剂(epidermalgrouthfactorrecep⁃
癌蛋白YAP1的研究进展 - pibb.ac.cn
Yes相关蛋白1 (Yes-associated protein 1,YAP1)是Hippo信号通路 (Hippo pathway)中的一个分子.早期研究人员发现,在Hippo信号通路正常的情况下,YAP1处于非激活状态;当Hippo信号通路中的某些分子出现突变时,YAP1处于超激活状态.此时,超激活状态下的YAP1可以促进细胞增殖、转移、生存 (survival)以及维持干细胞活性.由于YAP1的超激活可以促进肿瘤的发生与发展,因此,YAP1被定义为一个癌蛋白.近期,研究者发现,YAP1的突变体与小细胞肺癌病人的存活 …
YAP1 is a key regulator of EWS::FLI1-dependent malignant …
2025年3月12日 · We report that transient exposure to IGF-1 concentrations mimicking serum levels during puberty reprograms limb-derived mesenchymal cells of EWS::FLI1 -mutant mice to stable transformation and tumorigenicity. We identify a modular mechanism of IGF-1-driven tumor promotion in the early steps of EwS pathogenesis, in which Yap1 plays a central role.
【cell子刊】小分子共价修饰导致TEAD⋅Yap蛋白-蛋白质相互作用的 …
Yap1通过大的扁平界面与TEAD4紧密结合,这使得小分子正构抑制剂的开发极具挑战性。 在此,我们报道了小分子TEAD·Yap抑制剂,该抑制剂可与位于TEADs独特的深层 疏水性棕榈酸酯结合口袋 中的保守半胱氨酸快速且选择性地形成共价键。 这些化合物抑制TEAD4与Yap1的结合是不可逆的,并且发生的时间更长。 在哺乳动物细胞中,这些化合物与TEAD4形成 共价复合物,抑制了其与Yap1的结合,阻止了其转录活性,和抑制 结缔组织生长因子 的表达。 这些化合物抑制了 …
YAP1 Gene - GeneCards | YAP1 Protein | YAP1 Antibody
2024年12月25日 · YAP1 (Yes1 Associated Transcriptional Regulator) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with YAP1 include Coloboma, Ocular, With Or Without Hearing Impairment, Cleft Lip/Palate, And/Or Impaired Intellectual Development and Uveal Coloboma-Cleft Lip And Palate-Intellectual Disability.
Gene: YAP1 (ENSG00000137693) - Summary - Homo_sapiens
This gene has 9 transcripts (splice variants), 1 paralogue and is associated with 4 phenotypes. A single transcript chosen for a gene which is the most conserved, most highly expressed, has the longest coding sequence and is represented in other key resources, such as NCBI and UniProt.
<br>YAP1-TEAD1-Glut1 轴通过调节糖酵解来决定乳腺癌细胞的致 …
YAP1 的敲除抑制了乳腺癌细胞的细胞外酸化率、葡萄糖消耗和乳酸产生。此外,YAP1 与 TEAD1 相互作用,发挥其对功能靶标葡萄糖转运蛋白 1 (Glut1) 的转录控制。 Glut1 的过度表达恢复了 YAP1 敲低对糖酵解的抑制作用,如葡萄糖消耗和乳酸产生所证明的那样。