HIFIDIY论坛-(不断更新)剖析充满调声技术的 YBA CD机. - Powered …
2024年12月13日 · 这台不显眼的yba cd . 原来是用日本三洋低档cd 改装的! 但经yba一改. 脱胎换骨, 它有很好的声场还原能力.三个频段平衡.有层次感. 很自然.甜美. 声音更真实 以下我来切底剖析它的调声技术所在. 它有简洁的面板和背面 独有的三腳避振机脚. yba认为这是最稳的!
YBA CD 2 CD Player Reviewed - HomeTheaterReview
1993年2月14日 · Aiming for that high-end of high-end audiophile, the two-piece CD 2 from YBA is the ultimate in design and build. The CD player is from Yves-Bernard Andre company, and is a top-loading design.
YBA CD2 Alpha CD Players user reviews : 5 out of 5 - 3 reviews ...
Women voices (R.Pidgeon, H.Merill) keep their marvelous fluidity and gain consistency. Piano (W.Bernhardt:Hand On) gains volume, keeping a realistic size. Bass extension (external dedicated power supply for analog circuits) gives a new dimension to your CDs (classical, jazz, pop). Ex: the soundstage in E.Clapton:Unplugged.
- 评论数: 3
YBA CD2 Delta, Classe CDP .3, Roksan Caspian ... main board
I'm trying to fix my yba cd2 delta player. The player works perfectly for 20-30 minutes and during that time track poor cd without any trouble. After that time, it start having troubles reading and at some point wont even initialize a new cd. The problem seems related to the spinning motor where it try to turn but won't reach proper speed.
【自用升级故出】法国 YBA/Audio Refinement (YBA副 ... - [CD机]
CD Complete使用Sony的傳動機構,下方的機座底下加了吸震的矽膠片,支撐柱內也有吸震材料;承盤上方的特殊黑布與白色吸震軟土,也是用來調音的秘密,這是Audio Refinement與一般 …
YBA CD2 - Audio construction | Hi-Fi Online Sales
The YBA CD2 CD player is a great choice for music enthusiasts who want high-quality sound from a compact, well-built device. With a host of advanced features and solid construction, this CD player is perfect for those looking for a premium listening experience. Features: Bulleted list:
YBA CD2 Alpha For Sale - Canuck Audio Mart
2024年8月28日 · YBA CD2 player (Delta). The belt and laser were replaced, and all adjustments were redone
Used YBA 2 Control amplifiers for Sale | HifiShark.com
6 天之前 · Used YBA 2 Control amplifiers for sale on 400+ second hand hifi sites & shops. Use Hifi Shark to monitor pricing and global availability
YBA CD2a black For Sale - Canuck Audio Mart
2013年9月24日 · YBA CD 2a (alpha) black color, very good condition works A1 and natural sounds like nothing comparable! External power supply, 2x power cords, Remote and original double boxes. Reason for low price: I keep the YBA diamond power cords. box, manual, power supply, power cords, palanstra, remote. This feature is only available for logged in members.
YBA Signature CD Player lecteur CD haut de gamme - hifi.fr
Lecteur CD Hifi très haut de gamme YBA. La gamme Signature est le fleuron du fabricant YBA. Elle est composée d'un préamplificateur, de deux blocs de puissance et d'un lecteur CD. Le lecteur CD Signature répond à toutes les ambitions d'Yves-Bernard André pour obtenir une restitution musicale proche de la perfection.