CNC Jigborer YBM 950V - YASDA
YBM950V demonstrates superior performance in die and mold machining and adequately meets advanced market requirements.
YBM 950V Ver.Ⅴ - 安田工業株式会社
新デザインで操作性・メンテナンス性が大幅UP。 長時間の安定した高精度加工を実現。
YBM 950V Ver.Ⅴ - 安田工业株式会社
新设计后的操作性和维护性大幅提升。 实现长时间稳定的高精度加工。
precision machining. Newly installed advanced software and a high performance measurement system takes high precision machining. column and top beam. By arranging the saddle on the top beam in a horizontal manner so as the gravity center is kept in the top beam and to minimize geometry change avoiding torsional moment, accuracy is kept stab.
自营 YASDA亚司达 YBM950Vver.III CNC多样化数控加工中心 - SCZY
思诚MRO工业品采购平台提供YASDA亚司达 YBM950Vver.III CNC多样化数控加工中心的详细资料, 包括图片、价格行情、规格型号与尺寸等信息。 采购YASDA (亚司达)加工中心 机床设备 机械设备 、上思诚MRO工业品平台,正品低价!
The new design dramatically improves operation and maintenance. Integration of YASDA’s unique technologies such as base machine structure, thermal stabilization technology as well as spindle technology, the “ver.V” ensures the highest quality even after long hours of operation. Click here to request a catalog.
YASDA YBM-950V CNC Jig Borer - Methods Machine Tools
The YASDA YBM-950V CNC Jig Borer is known for its high-speed/high-accuracy machining of small parts including mold and die parts requiring high-precision contour machining. Yasda‘s YBM-950V takes the next step with its compact and high-efficient design, developed to dominate the high-precision CNC machining field.
YBM 950 V | Yamazen Malaysia
The YASDA CNC Jig Borer YBM-950V is based on the highly successful YBM-850V, known for its high-speed/high accuracy machining of small parts including mold and die parts requiring high-precision contour machining. The YBM-950V takes the next step with its compact and high-efficient design developed to dominate the high-precision machining field.
YBM 950V Jig Borers by YASDA | Machine 500
The YASDA CNC Jig Borer YBM-950V is based on the highly successful YBM-850V, known for its high-speed/high accuracy machining of small parts including mold and die parts requiring high-precision contour machining. The YBM-950V takes the next step with its compact and high-efficient design developed to dominate the high-precision machining field.
YASDA YBM-950V Jig Borers - MachineTools.com
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