YCbCr vs RGB? What's the difference? - AVS Forum
2007年1月4日 · YCbCr is the digital counterpart to analog YPbPr component video. (YCbCr converted to analog is YPbPr). Digital RGB converted to analog is usually referred to as VGA. …
PC to HDR TV: RGB Full 8 bpc vs YCbCr422 10 bpc? - AVS Forum
2017年1月17日 · It's correct YCbCr 444 8bit is the best looking for most SDR video/film sources. Those sources are normally always 8bit color depth Indeed very good color gradients!. Less …
YCbCr 444 vs 420? HDMI mode 1 or 2, which is optimal?
2016年12月1日 · Here is the interesting part. In "Mode 2" in 60hz @ 3840x2160 RGB & YCbCr 422/444 (and obviously still 420) are available as well as "full" and "limited" dynamic range …
2008年7月28日 · HDMI YCbCr Video levels and correct for majority of displays. RGB (PC levels) can cause richer colours (higher contrast) but probably also lead to black crush,where you …
RGB vs YCbCr444. | NVIDIA GeForce Forums
2025年2月15日 · The most common are RGB for computer devices and YCbCr for consumer electronics devices. Use this page to choose the color format appropriate for your device." Not …
RGB vs. YCbCr - Does it make a difference? - AVS Forum
2016年11月10日 · It normally makes no difference to the calibration settings, though there can be a slight difference in chroma resolution depending on the individual system. To check for this, I …
Component YPbPr Vs. YCbCr? - AVS Forum
2004年12月27日 · YCbCr and YPbPr have nothing to do with the resolution or p/i being sent. It should all be labeled YPbPr, read the linked thread. You are correct that much equipment, …
YCbCr 4:2:2, YCbCr 4:4:4 and RGB explained - AVS Forum
2006年12月23日 · DVI devices generally stick to 8-bit RGB only. Some have additional YCbCr capabilities but this is basically device-specific. HDMI generally supports RGB and YCbCr …
PC to HDR TV: RGB Full 8 bpc vs YCbCr422 10 bpc? | Page 5 - AVS …
2013年1月5日 · Colour sampling is a YCbCr thing and the concept is not applicable to RGB - there is only YCbCr 4:4:4. You can also do 4K60 YCbCr422 10-bit over HDMI 2.0b if the …
2023 LG OLED G3 - C3 Owners & Buyers Thread - AVS Forum
2003年11月12日 · I must be missing something here, I don't see YCbCr 4:2:2. If the Panasonic is set to YCbCr (Automatic), Auto (12-bit priority) and playing a blu-ray, the 820 says it is …