政府舉辦不同主題的專題青年實習計劃,在藝術、文化和科學範疇,提供多元化的實習機會。 政府與多間大型企業合作提供在內地和海外的實習機會。 此計劃透過資助非政府機構舉辦國際青 …
Derech Chaim
Yeshiva Derech Chaim aims to instill a lifelong commitment to learning and living a life true to Torah values and traditions within their talmidim. The Yeshiva has developed an educational approach that fosters a positive, nurturing environment.
東華三院姚達之紀念小學(元朗) TWGHs Yiu Dak Chi Memorial Primary School (Yuen Long)
Find a Regional Youth Detention Centers - Department of Juvenile …
Location Name Areas Served Address Services Offered; Aaron Cohn (Columbus) RYDC: Chattahoochee, Harris, Marion, Meriwether, Muscogee, Pike and Webster Counties ...
Youth Development Clinic
For nearly six decades, the Youth Development Clinic (YDC) has been dedicated to providing behavioral health services for children and families in Newark, Essex County, and surrounding communities.
RYDCs & YDCs - Department of Juvenile Justice
All Youth Development Campuses (YDC) provide secure care, supervision and treatment services to youth who have been committed to the custody of DJJ for and long-term programs. Each YDC follows departmental policy and procedures based on federal and state law and a variety of professional standards.
Youth Development Center / Youth Forestry Camp System - PA.GOV
Youth Development Center / Youth Forestry Camp System. Loysville Youth Development Center (LYDC) is a secure residential facility located in Perry County serving adjudicated delinquent males, ages 12 to 20.
Youth Development Center - York County, PA
The program at the Youth Development Center (YDC) is administrated by a group of highly skilled, treatment-oriented staff. It is a program that is intended to keep the youth safe and secure, ensure that they are treated with dignity and respect, and one in which all youth are motivated to begin the process of self-evaluation and betterment.
Macon YDC - Department of Juvenile Justice
The .gov means it’s official. Local, state, and federal government websites often end in .gov. State of Georgia government websites and email systems use “georgia.gov” or “ga.gov” at the end of the address.
2024年香港大學國際科創大賽,作為一場匯聚全球科技創新精英的盛事,在火熱7月陸續舉辦了成都、深圳、上海、香港及海外、北京、廣州六大賽區的初賽。 經過半年的籌備和一周線上線下投票的激烈角逐,本次活動投票頁面訪問量超過700萬人次,總共獲得了超過614萬張投票,多家媒體先後報道,引起香港各界廣泛關注! 10月2日電 香港特區政府文化體育及旅遊局2日公布,「第十五屆全國運動會香港賽區義工計劃」即日起招募青年義工,11月15日截止。 Our center will …