Northrop YF-23 - Wikipedia
The YF-23A was a prototype air vehicle intended to demonstrate the viability of Northrop's ATF proposal, which was designed to meet USAF requirements for survivability, supercruise, stealth, and ease of maintenance. [43]
YF-23战斗机 - 百度百科
Northrop-McDonnell Douglas YF-23A Black Widow II
The YF-23A competed in the late 1980s/early 1990s against the YF-22A in the Advanced Tactical Fighter (ATF) program. During the late 1970s, a new generation of Soviet fighters and Surface-to-Air Missiles (SAMs) prompted the US Air Force to find a replacement for the F-15 Eagle air superiority fighter. In 1986, the USAF awarded demonstration ...
1991:败者为王PART3(YF-23 “黑寡妇 II ”战斗机) - 哔哩哔哩
而 yf-23a 的机身长度却明显长于 yf-22a(后者由于尾撑和平尾的原因,实际机身长度只有 18 米多),这意味着即使在飞机最大横截面积相当的情况下,yf-23a 也可以获得更平滑的横截面积分布(也就是更小的跨、超音速阻力),当然也获得了更大的纵向转动惯量。
Northrop YF-23A “Black Widow II” Advanced Tactical Fighter (PAV …
Along with its Stealth capabilities, the YF-23A was designed to “Supercruise”. This meant that the YF-23A “Black Widow II” could cruise supersonic without the use of engine augmentation or “afterburning.” The first flight of YF-23A PAV-2 took place on October 27, 1990, with Northrop test pilot Jim Sandberg at the controls.
YF-23 Black Widow: The Stealth Fighter That Almost Replaced the …
2024年10月26日 · YF-23A PAV-1, Air Force Serial No. 87-0800, nicknamed “Gray Ghost”, registration number N231YF, is on display at the National Museum of the United States Air Force at Wright-Patterson AFB in ...
Afterburner takeoffs in the YF-23 were an impressive sight but were seldom performed during the test program due to the high thrust to weight ratio of the aircraft. The production F-23A proposal included a two-place variant for various mission profiles. The …
YF-23 Black Widow II, Northrop/McDonnel Douglas
2024年1月14日 · The YF-23A Black Widow II represented a harmonious blend of stealthy shapes and aerodynamic efficiency, crafted to achieve a low radar cross-section without compromising on performance. Significantly longer and more slender than its competitor, the Lockheed YF-22A , the YF-23A’s design was a marvel of engineering finesse.
被时代遗落的空中利刃:深入剖析诺斯罗普YF-23A战斗机-全 …
2025年1月23日 · yf-23a 的设计理念和技术特点代表了当时航空领域的顶尖水平,其独特的气动布局、先进的隐身技术以及高效的推进系统,都为其在竞争中赢得了一席之地。然而,在与洛克希德公司的 yf-22 a 的激烈竞争中,yf-23a 最终遗憾落选。尽管如此,yf-23a 在航空史上留下了 ...
败者为王:诺斯罗普YF-23战机终极解读 (组图)_新浪军事_新浪网
2006年6月2日 · 位于yf一23a机翼后缘的气动操纵面设计相当有特色,可算是yf一23a的亮点。 有的资料称,机翼内侧为襟翼,外侧则是副翼,但实际情况远非这么简单。 简单的襟翼、副翼之分,并不符合诺斯罗普在YF一23A上体现出来的“一物多用”的设计思想。