Ship YM EXPRESS (Container Ship) Registered in Liberia
Vessel YM EXPRESS is a Container Ship, Registered in Liberia. Discover the vessel's particulars, including capacity, machinery, photos and ownership. Get the details of the current Voyage of YM EXPRESS including Position, Port Calls, Destination, ETA and Distance travelled - IMO 9496628, MMSI 636016705, Call sign D5HJ4
YangMing Marine Transport Corp.
YM EXPRESS ( YEXP ) (click to view Vessel Information) Current Lane PN3 Current Comn Voyage 087E / 087W. Current YML Vsl Voy PN32509E / PN32509W-- Port --Terminal Arrival Berth Departure; Date Status Date Status Date Status; PUSAN: HJNC (HANJIN BUSAN NEW PORT CNTR TMNL) 2025/03/09 18:00: Planned: 2025/03/09 20:00: Planned: 2025/03/11 …
YM EXPRESS, Container Ship - Details and current position - VesselFinder
The vessel YM EXPRESS (IMO 9496628, MMSI 636016705) is a Container Ship built in 2015 (10 years old) and currently sailing under the flag of Liberia.
YM EXPRESS Container Ship, IMO 9496628 - Marine Vessel Traffic
Where is the current position of YM EXPRESS presently? Vessel YM EXPRESS is a cargo ship sailing under the flag of Liberia. Her IMO number is 9496628 and MMSI number is 636016705. Main ship particulars are length of 259 m and beam of 37 m.
YM EXPRESS Current Position ( - DUAL TRACKING - )
Track current position of YM EXPRESS on Live Map and find its IMO, MMSI, Call Sign, 9496628,636016705
YM EXPRESS Current Location | Vessel Marine Finder
What is the present location of YM EXPRESS currently? Vessel YM EXPRESS is a Cargo ship sailing under the flag of Liberia. Her IMO number is 9496628 and MMSI number is 636016705. Main ship particulars are length of 259 m and beam of 37 m.
YM EXPRESS: Container Carrier & Details and current position, …
YM EXPRESS 9496628 is a Container Carrier, built in 2015 (10 years old). It's sailing under the flag of Liberia. According to the latest AIS and Satellite data, the vessel is currently on route to Tacoma, United States. Estimated time of arrival at Tacoma, United States is 29-03-2025 at …
YM EXPRESS - vesseltracker.com
Details for the ship YM Express , IMO 9496628, Cargo Ship, Position Bering Sea with current real time AIS position and ship photos by vesseltracker.com.
Vessel YM EXPRESS Tracking | Live position | ETA | IMO 9496628
Track the current position and journey of the vessel YM EXPRESS. Get real-time updates on location, speed, and estimated time of arrival. IMO of YM EXPRESS is 9496628 and MMSI is 636016705.
YM EXPRESS, Container ship, IMO 9496628 | Vessel details ...
YM EXPRESS is a Container ship built in 2015 by CSBC - KAOHSIUNG, TAIWAN. Currently sailing under the flag of Liberia. It's gross tonnage is 47952 tons.
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