Yamaha YM2413 - Wikipedia
The YM2413, a.k.a. OPLL, is an FM synthesis sound chip manufactured by Yamaha Corporation. It is related to Yamaha's OPL family of FM synthesis chips, and is a cost-reduced version of the YM3812 (OPL2). Based on the YM3812, it features nine concurrent FM channels with two operators per channel.
2024年10月18日 · YM2413是一款经典的FM合成音源芯片,凭借其丰富的音色和低功耗设计,在早期的游戏机和电子乐器市场中占据了重要地位。 虽然其功能相对简单,但在当时的技术条件下,提供了高质量的音效输出。 一些国内电子厂商和个人设计者针对YM2413进行了一些硬件仿制,比如UM3567,但是由于仿制厂家的不同,虽然同为UM3567,但实际音色音质以及输出功率都有一些差异,需要根据实际情况调整电路中的相关阻容. 我设计的这块板子是可以支持um3567或ym2413两 …
Part #: YM2413. Download. File Size: 654Kbytes. Page: 8 Pages. Description: OPLL FM OPERATOR. Manufacturer: YAMAHA CORPORATION.
基于雅马哈 YM2413 FM 芯片的生成式掌上合成器 GREAT …
Arman Bohm 运用经典的 YM2413 FM 芯片打造了一款有趣的合成器掌机 — GREAT CONJUNCTION。 该设备可以产生旋律、节奏以及扭曲的声音,然而它的特别之处就在于可以通过冲突的序列产生实现的音色 — 就像它的名字一样。
YM2413 Application Manual - Documents - Maxim’s World of Stuff
This LL-Type FM Operator incorporates a DA Converter and a Quartz Oscillator in addition to a YAMAHA original FM Sound Generator, allowing for a much easier and more economical sound generating system assembly than conventional LSIs.
YM2413 - Wikipedia
ym2413は、2オペレーターのfm音源とホワイトノイズ生成器・数種の周波数を合成するノイズ発振器を搭載している。 メロディ音はFM音源部を用いて音が生成され、リズム音は各リズム楽器によってFM音源部、あるいはホワイトノイズとノイズ発振器の波形を ...
YM2413 - Development - SMS Power
The YM2413, also known as OPLL, is a FM sound generator produced by Yamaha. It was used in the FM Sound Unit add-on to the Sega Mark III and later built into the japanese Sega Master System. It was also featured in some MSX2 systems and the NES mapper VRC7 from Konami uses a derivative of the YM2413 for extended sound.
Library for Yamaha YM2413 sound synthesizer - GitHub
The YM2413, OPLL, is a cost-reduced FM synthesis sound chip manufactured by Yamaha Corporation and based on their YM3812 (OPL2). The simplifications mean that the YM2413 can only play one user-defined instrument at a time, with an additional 15 read-only hard-coded instrument profiles available.
[合成器] GREAT CONJUNCTION 采用了雅马哈 YM2413 FM 芯片生 …
2024年5月29日 · arman bohm 发布了 great conjunction,这是一款生成式音序器和合成器,使用了老式雅马哈 ym2413 fm 芯片进行的声音重现。 great conjunction 创造了旋律优美、混乱、节奏感强、令人放松、催眠、奇妙演变的氛围和多节奏谜题。
Yamaha YM2413 - MSX Wiki
2023年4月14日 · The YM2413 (OPLL) is a low-cost version of the FM synthesis sound YM3812 (OPL2) chip. This chip has made by Yamaha Corporation.