[OLD*] Bodum: The Complete Poopie! - YouTube
Whether for its' dated references, humor that seeks to offend just for the ...
[OLD*] YouTube Poop: Bodum the Poopie - YouTube
2017年9月12日 · The story of Bodum has touched the hearts of generations, and will continue to do so with its' simple yet heartwarming story, memorable characters and eye-catching animation. This is my way of...
2022年5月10日 · No............................Yes.......................No............................Yes.......................No............................Yes...............
YouTube Poop - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
YouTube Poop (通常缩写为 YTP)又名 YouTube粪便,是指透过编辑现有的媒体资源而创作出来的混杂影片,目的是搞笑、淫秽、令人烦躁、困惑、震惊或戏剧化的用途。
DanTheYTPMan1's YouTube Poop Collection - Archive.org
2020年6月25日 · Warning: These videos were made out of random for fun and may include weird effects that can cause potential epileptic seizures, headaches, colourful language...
YTPMV - 中文音MAD维基 OtomadWiki - 音MAD的百科全书 …
YTPMV,全称 YouTube Poop Music Video (ヤタプムブ),指的是 YTP 的一种特殊类型,如今普遍认为属于音MAD的一个类型 [1],在国内旧称“欧美音MAD”,在日本旧称“海外音MAD” [2]。 需要注意的是,YTPMV并不是简单意义上指发布在YouTube的音MAD。
Poopisms | Official YouTube Poop Wiki | Fandom
Poopisms are the main elements that make up a YouTube poop. Without them, then there wouldn't be YouTube Poop. These are some of the techniques used by many poopers known as "Poopisms" - Stutter Loop: Made by taking a portion of a …
YouTube Poop Archive : Various Artists : Free Download, Borrow, …
2023年10月25日 · A personal archive of YouTube Poops that I have saved over the years. A lot of these were backed up years ago, only just now had the thought of uploading them here for preservation purposes due to the copyright-stricken history of this particular form of video remixing. Quite a few of these videos may or may not still be available on YouTube.
YouTube Poop | The Fandub Database | Fandom
YouTube Poop (mostly known as YTP) is a TV Series of Video/Episode/Song Mashups/Edits. They are created by remixing/editing pre-existing media sources often carrying subcultural significance into a new video for humorous, satirical, obscene and profane, as well as annoying, confusing, scary, shocking, surreal, or dramatic purposes.
YouTube Poop / YTP - Know Your Meme
YoutubePoop refers to randomly edited Youtube videos that feature the initialism YTP in the title. These videos are made of various editing techniques, including appropriated footage and collage, to create purposely annoying videos that delight those who …