YYF的888放到现在性能如何? - 知乎
888是一个小球,适合欧美风格的招式。手感因人而异,每个人的感觉都不一样。我个人比较喜欢这类球。另外,888有很多版本,手感是有区别的,比如888gt,dv888等等,即使都是888 07版和08版的手感也是不一样的,最好上手试一试。
Legendary 888 yoyo Titanium Aluminum Bi-metal - YoYoFactory
There was 888. eight eight eight ushered in a new era of yo-yo performance. 15 years after its inception we introduce its highest form, Legendary Eight Eight Eight.
YoYoFactory eight8eight | YoYo Wiki - Fandom
The YoYoFactory eight8eight (or 888) is a flared gap yo-yo originally released on May 5th, 2007. The eighth release in the "Project Red Alert" series, it has the free-spinning hubstacks of the G5 but a more traditional rounded profile. The 888 is YoYoFactory's best-selling metal yo-yo of all...
Eight Eight Eight (888) YoYo - YoYoFactory
Eight Eight Eight (888) YoYo. YoYoFactory has created many epic designs, and the 888 is one of the biggest legends on this list. It changed the way people played yo-yo, on its release half the finalists at the World Yoyo Contest chose to use it. It was used to win multiple National titles and a …
888 - Yoyo Factory ┃Yoyo Specialty Store Rewind
YoYoFactory - 888. YoYoFactory's most popular full metal yo-yo since its initial release. This is THEÂ yoyo that sparked the full metal yoyo craze. Since it was used by the 2007 1A World Champion, Yuki Spencer, it has quickly become a yo-yo that has attracted attention from all …
888 - YoYoFactory Europe
Experience the game-changing 888 yoyo for yourself and elevate your skills to new trick complexities. 888 is an iconic full metal yoyo featuring hubstacks in a compact size. This design was used by Yuuki Spencer to win the 2007 World Yo-Yo Contest.
YoYoFactory - The best YoYos in the world.
We make yoyos that make learning easier. We have everything from Easy Beginner responsive YoYo’s through to unresponsive really good professional bind return yoyo’s. Our staff are YoYo Players and Champions and we are always researching and working hard to make even better yoyos for everyone to enjoy.
07初版888汇总 - 哔哩哔哩
此球由Yuukispencer夺得2007wyyc世界冠军 又叫水888 全球第一款夺冠全铝合金金属球 配装黑色或者白色集线器 发行数目200
YYF 是个美国品牌建立于2004年,是由美国悠悠超级大师汉斯先生(YoHans)创办,他凭着个人超卓的技术和影响力组成了一支强大的团队. 每一位队员都是悠悠球冠军级人马.
悠悠球 yyf 888 Superstar 超新星侧轴溜溜球 yoyo球合金(B货) …
欢迎来到淘宝网选购悠悠球 yyf 888 Superstar 超新星侧轴溜溜球 yoyo球合金(B货), 淘宝数亿热销好货,官方物流可寄送至全球十地,支持外币支付等多种付款方式、平台客服24小时在线、由商家提供退换货承诺、让你简单淘到宝。