Yamaha YZR500 - Wikipedia
The Yamaha YZR500 was a 500 cc Grand Prix racing motorcycle made by Yamaha from 1973 to 2002. It achieved significant acclaim, especially during the 1980s and 1990s. The YZR500 …
YZR500(0W61) - Racing Information | Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.
yzr500(0w61)(1982) First 500cc GP machine with V-4 engine This was the first GP500 machine to mount a 2-stroke V-4 engine, and it featured a frame structure that eliminated the under-loop …
ヤマハ・YZR500 - Wikipedia
ヤマハ・YZR500 (ワイゼットアールごひゃく)は、 ヤマハ発動機 がオートバイ ロードレース世界選手権 と 全日本ロードレース選手権 500ccクラスに開発・投入した、競技専用2輪車 …
Our Stories:23 YZR500 Conquers the World Grand Prix - Yamaha …
Six generations of YZR500 factory racers spanning five years from the OW35 in 1977 to the OW53 in 1981 had featured parallel-four piston-valve engines. However, the company …
在MOTOGP上的经典名驹YAMAHA YZR500 - m.58moto.com
2022年11月29日 · 第一代YZR500(OW20)战车使用铬合金框架,搭载液冷二冲程直列四缸发动机,最大功率73kW,最大马力99.2匹,这样的动力水平在当时已经非常出色了。 首场告捷便 …
二行程GP廠車千萬有找!Kenny Roberts Jr YAMAHA YZR500 …
2022年11月18日 · 這台YAMAHA YZR500 OWJ1搭載YAMAHA為了WGP500賽事開發的499c.c. V型四缸二行程引擎,擁有180匹的最大馬力,而且當年的廠車可是完全沒有電控保護, …
Yamaha YZR 500 2000 - 2002 - Motorcycle Specifications
Max Biaggi had 3 GP wins and scored the second place in the World Championship. The last machine from the “breed” of 28 Yamaha YZR500 bikes, the Yamaha 0WL9 of 2002, will go …
YZR500(0W98) - Racing Information | Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.
yzr500(0w98)(1988) Twin mufflers and left-right asymmetric rear arm The 60-degree V engine bank that had been a remnant of the rotary disc valve era was widened to a 70-degree bank …
Yamaha YZR500 0W61 specs, performance data - FastestLaps.com
1982 Yamaha YZR500 0W61 specs, performance data, engine specifications, pictures, updated January 2025.
Yamaha YZR 500 1980 - 1989 - Motorcycle Specifications
Yamaha YZR500, 1980-1989 The Yamaha 0W53 of 1981 is the last GP racer with a four-in-line motor. The frame was an updated version of the Yamaha 0W48R. Kenny Roberts received the …