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Take your VX-8DR out with you wherever you go. It is waterproof 3Ft (1m) for 30 minutes. The radio is designed to meet commercial grade standards in every aspect, including its battery terminals, external microphone jack etc. Enjoy up to 5 hours operation on 144/440MHz, or up to 5.5 hours on 50MHz with the supplied FNB-101LI battery.
评测 | Yaesu VX-8DR是一个小巧但功能强大的无线电台 - 知乎
这个无线电台包括全功率5瓦的6米频段发送功能,附带的天线带有一个螺纹延长件,可以让它在6米频段工作。 然而,不要指望这个设置的性能与“真正”的天线或甚至2米或440频段上的橡皮鸭天线相同。 6米的1/4波长天线长达54英寸,最好配合一种1/4波长的对地反射器。 6米频段通常比其他VHF/UHF频段的噪音水平高,这也增加了挑战。 使用该无线电台或其他手持无线电在6米频段上操作在最好的情况下也是一种妥协。 话虽如此,它仍然能够工作,如果您离6米 中继器 或6米 …
Yaesu VX-8R, Yaesu VX-8DR Amateur HT VX8R - Universal Radio
The Yaesu VX-8R HT provides a full 5 watts FM on 50/144/430 MHz plus 1.5 watts on 222 MHz. It will also transmit about 1 watt AM on 6 meters. It supports Bluetooth® hands-free operation with the optional BU-1 and BH-1 or BH-2 accessories.
Welcome to Yaesu.com
The VX-8GR APRS®/GPS Handheld Transceiver is a Dual Band version of the VX-8DR. The VX-8GR includes most of of the solid features and specifications found in the VX-8DR, plus a built in GPS and new expanded APRS® capabilities to meet the …
Yaesu VX-8DR 6m/2m/70cm Heavy-Duty FM APRS HTs VX-8DR - DX Engineering
Yaesu VX-8DR 6m/2m/70cm Heavy-Duty FM APRS® HTs are fully APRS/GPS/Bluetooth® capable handheld transceivers. As a bonus, these USA-version radios also operate on 222-225 MHz with 1.5 watts output! They are an evolution of the VX-8R Series that includes not only the solid features and specifications of the VX-8R but also new expanded APRS ...
- 评论数: 5
Yaesu VX series - Wikipedia
The Yaesu VX series is a line of two sequences of compact amateur radio handheld transceivers produced by Yaesu. There is a line of ultra-compact lower-power dual-band (2 m and 70 cm) transceivers that started with the VX-1R and was later updated with the VX-2R and VX-3R.
Yaesu - VX-8R - RigPix Database
Back to Yaesu Next HT/portable Last modified 2025-02-16 Yaesu VX-8R SPECIFICATIONS. GENERAL: Type: Amateur VHF/UHF transceiver: Frequency range: USA ... VX-8 series comparison chart (275 KB) Modifications and fixes: Reviews: Popular Communications: September 2009, page 40: Options / Accessories: BH-1A BH-2A BU-1 CD-40 CD-41
Reviews For: Yaesu VX-8DR - eHam.net
The Yaesu VX-8R HT provides a full 5 watts FM on 50/144/430 MHz plus 1.5 watts on 222 MHz. It supports Bluetooth® hands-free operation with the optional BU-1 and BH-1 or BH-2 accessories. There is also an optional GPS unit and antenna with loads of features. This radio supports APRS 1200/9600 bps data communication (B band only).
Yaesu VX8GR, Yaesu VX-8GR Amateur HT - Universal Radio
The Yaesu VX-8GR is the newest member of the proud VX-8 family. The VX-8GR dual-bander only covers 2 meters and 440 MHz and receive coverage is 108-999 MHz (less cellular frequencies). Strong performance specifications are combined with intuitive operation .
Yaesu VX-8GR (VX 8 GR VX8GR) user and service manual, …
1 天前 · The VX-8GR includes most of of the solid features and specifications found in the VX-8DR, plus a built in GPS and new expanded APRS capabilities to meet the needs of even the most active APRS user.