Yaesu VX-8R, Yaesu VX-8DR Amateur HT VX8R - Universal Radio
The Yaesu VX-8R HT provides a full 5 watts FM on 50/144/430 MHz plus 1.5 watts on 222 MHz. It will also transmit about 1 watt AM on 6 meters. It supports Bluetooth® hands-free operation with the optional BU-1 and BH-1 or BH-2 accessories. There is also an optional GPS unit and antenna with loads of features.
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Take your VX-8R out with you wherever you go. It is waterproof 3Ft (1m) for 30 minutes. The radio is designed to meet commercial grade standards in every aspect, including its battery terminals, external microphone jack etc. Enjoy up to 5 hours operation on 144/440MHz, or up to 5.5 hours on 50MHz with the supplied FNB-101LI battery.
RigPix Database - Yaesu - VX-8R
Yaesu VX-8R SPECIFICATIONS. GENERAL: Type: Amateur VHF/UHF transceiver: Frequency range: USA TX: 50-54 / 144-148 / 222-225 / 430-450 MHz RX: 0.5-999.9 MHz (Cellular blocked) Tuning steps: 5 / 6.25 / 8.33 / 10 / 12.5 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 50 / 100 KHz: Frequency stability: ±5 ppm @ -10 to +60°C (14 to 140°F)
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VX-8DR – A Devoted APRS Users Version of the VX-8R Series. The VX-8DR APRS®/GPS/Bluetooth® Handheld Transceiver is an additional version of the VX-8R that includes not only its solid features and specifications but also new expanded APRS® capabilities to meet the needs of even the most active APRS® user.
评测 | Yaesu VX-8DR是一个小巧但功能强大的无线电台 - 知乎
这个无线电台包括全功率5瓦的6米频段发送功能,附带的天线带有一个螺纹延长件,可以让它在6米频段工作。 然而,不要指望这个设置的性能与“真正”的天线或甚至2米或440频段上的橡皮鸭天线相同。 6米的1/4波长天线长达54英寸,最好配合一种1/4波长的对地反射器。 6米频段通常比其他VHF/UHF频段的噪音水平高,这也增加了挑战。 使用该无线电台或其他手持无线电在6米频段上操作在最好的情况下也是一种妥协。 话虽如此,它仍然能够工作,如果您离6米 中继器 或6米 …
八重洲YAESU VX-8R三个频段手持对讲机_中国集群通信网
2015年8月20日 · VX-8R作为YAESU的新一代旗舰产品具有诸多新亮点:超薄、内置温度和气压测量功能、内置中波广播磁棒天线、支持蓝牙、支持GPS/APRS。 同时一些老高端机的特性也得以继承如果IPX7级防水、双通道接收、点阵液晶屏、频谱显示功能。 VX-8R机身超薄但功能强大,使用随机标配薄锂电时只有24.2mm厚,在机身后部可以安装蓝牙模块,通过蓝牙可以使用无线耳机话筒,同时8R的蓝牙也支持大部分普通移动电话的蓝牙耳机。 原本在上一代旗舰VX-7R上作为 …
Yaesu VX-8R VX-8E Specs and Prices - RadioMasterList.com
Independent AM / FM-stereo receiver. High resolution display. Up to ±50 adjacent channels spectrum scope function. DCS and CTCSS encode and decode. Memory tag up to 16 characters. CW training feature. Waterproof, rugged aluminum die-cast chassis, powerful Li-Ion battery. Ideated in Japan, year of introduction 2008. Reference market : amateur-radio.
Reviews For: Yaesu VX-8R - eHam.net
With this caveat, it is respectable above 30 MHz or so, and works respectably as a general purpose FM scanner / monitor for public safety, utility, etc. The stock battery is good for only a few hours of combined APRS / voice operation, as everybody says the big one gives much longer life (12+ hours even after a couple of years).
说到手台了,转点毒贴,八重洲VX-8R使用报告 - 单车讨论区 - 骑 …
2010年4月26日 · vx-8r 可以显示接收到的台站的位置、前进方向、消息、距离、图标(43 种)、天气信息等。 其列表功能可以从40 个台站中自动保存和调出其中20 条消息和APRS数据。
The VX-8R is a Dual Receive fourthband FM transceiver with extensive receive frequency coverage, providing leading-edge features for VHF and UHF two-way amateur communications along with unmatched monitoring capability. The VX-8R’s small size allows you to take it anywhere - hiking, skiing, or while walking