Yakovlev Yak-25 - Wikipedia
The Yakovlev Yak-25 (NATO designation Flashlight-A/Mandrake) is a swept wing, turbojet-powered interceptor and reconnaissance aircraft built by Yakovlev and used by the Soviet Union.
雅克-25 - 百度百科
雅克-25是 苏联 雅克夫列夫设计局研制的双座双发亚音速 截击机,1950年开始研制,1952年6月19日原型机首次试飞,1954年进入苏军服役,一直生产到1958年停产时共生产了480架。 [1] 后续,雅克-25战斗机,1950年开始研制,改进型号:雅克-25M型,改进了雷达;雅克-25P侦察型;雅克-25MP海军侦察型;雅克-25МШ靶机;雅克-25Б型前线轰炸机。 [1] 20世纪40年代后期,在第一代喷气式战斗机(米格-9和雅克-15)服役后,苏联空军就紧锣密鼓地推进第二代喷气式战斗 …
Yakovlev Yak-25 (1947) - Wikipedia
The Yakovlev Yak-25 was a Soviet military aircraft, an early turbojet-powered fighter aircraft designed by the Yakovlev OKB. The designation was later reused for a different interceptor design.
That Curious Beast—the Russian Yak-25 | Air & Space Forces …
The YAK-25B, which has a “greenhouse” nose for good visibility, is considered as a light bomber, and acts either in support of ground-troop operations or as a reconnaissance airplane. The YAK-25s — designed by the youngest of the major Soviet airplane designers, Alexander Yakovlev — have large fuselages to handle radar equipment and ...
前苏联Yak-25RV高空侦察机_机翼 - 搜狐
2019年2月21日 · 将Yak-25B与U-2进行对比,两者在尺寸、起飞重量、发动机推力等方面比较接近,但U-2结构重量小、载油量更大、航程和续航力是Yak-25B的两倍。 Yak-25B的起飞重量为10吨,机翼面积55平方米,翼载182千克/平方米,有效载荷600千克,载油量3500千克,发动机重 …
雅克-25截击机,一款苏联自用的战斗机 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2021年6月9日 · 1951年,雅科夫列夫开始设计一种双座双引擎截击机,这就是雅克-120战机,后来更名为雅克-25,它曾与I-320和拉-200共同竞争,最后赢得苏军的认可获得量产服役。 该机采用了非常独特的设计,机翼为薄薄的中单翼,并…
Yakovlev Yak-25 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Yakovlev Yak-25 (NATO designation Flashlight-A / Mandrake) was a swept wing, turbojet-powered interceptor aircraft and reconnaissance aircraft built by Yakovlev and used by the Soviet Union. The Yak-25 originated from a need for long-range interceptors to protect the USSR's northern and eastern territory.
Yakovlev Yak-25 (Flashlight / Mandrake) - Military Factory
2019年3月18日 · The Yak-25 (NATO codename of "Flashlight") was yet another jet fighter design introduced by the Soviets during the early decades of the Cold War. The system was designed to patrol the vast northern-most portions of the Soviet territories from NATO and American high-level reconnaissance aircraft.
Yakovlev Yak-25 - all-weather interceptor - aviastar.org
The Yak-25 was the first of a long line of Yak twin-jet combat aircraft developed through the 1950s and 1960s. It was originally intended as a long-range all-weather interceptor, but was later adapted as a photo-reconnaissance platform and even a tactical nuclear bomber.
雅克-25截击机,一款苏联自用的战斗机 - 哔哩哔哩
雅克-25的服役时间并不长,在60年代后期退役,没有出售到其他国家,只有苏军自用,不过该机发展出了很多衍生机型,例如雅克-25B核轰炸机、雅克-25RV侦察机等,其中雅克-25RV是一架采用平直机翼的飞机,机身内安装了摄像头等设备,它一直使用到70年代。 雅克-25截击机空重6210千克,最大重量9220千克,机长15.665米,高3.8米,翼展10.964米,最大飞行速度1090千米每小时,最大航程2700千米,最大升限12000米。