Yakovlev Yak-11 - Wikipedia
The Yakovlev Yak-11 (Russian: Яковлев Як-11; NATO reporting name: "Moose") is a trainer aircraft used by the Soviet Air Force and other Soviet-influenced air forces from 1947 until 1962.
雅克-11 - 百度百科
雅克-11 [1](Yak-11)中级教练机是中国从苏联进口首批飞机中的活塞式中级教练机,也可作 歼击机 、侦察机等使用,曾用代号“2号机”。 苏联雅克夫列夫设计局在二战前主要研制教练机,二战爆发时转为研制歼击机,战争期间该局研制的活塞式歼击机大量生产装备部队。 其中雅克-1生产了8721架,雅克-3生产了4848架,雅克-7生产了6399架,雅克-9生产了16769架。 雅克系列飞机成为苏联在二战期间生产数量最多的单发歼击机。 同时,雅克夫列夫设计局还扬其所长,在歼击 …
Yak-11教練機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Yak-11教練機 是 Yak-3戰鬥機 換上風冷發動機的雙座教練機型,由20世紀40年代後期成為 蘇聯 教練機和表演機,曾外銷東歐和中國。 1945年首飞了在 雅克-3 基础上研制雅克-3УТИ。 为降低生产成本和训练费用,教练机的发动机换成低功率的 阿什-21 (俄语:АШ-21) 风冷活塞发动机。 雅克-3УТИ的批生产型被命名为雅克-11。 中国:1949年10月至1950年2月,中国进口一批用于空军的4所驱逐机航校所需。 至1956年共进口331架,用于航校训练。 1974年退役. Gordon, …
Yak-11 (航空機) - Wikipedia
Yak-11 (Yakovlev Yak-11 / Jak-11 ヤク11 / ロシア語: Як-11 ヤーク・アヂーンナッツァチ)は、 ヤコヴレフ設計局 が開発し、 国土防空軍 などで運用された 練習機。 Yak-3 戦闘機 の機体フレームを使用して開発された複座練習機で、 チェコスロバキア では C-11 として製造された。 NATO が用いた コードネーム の「ムース (Moose)」は、 ヘラジカ の意。 Yak-3 の 液冷式 VK-105PF-2 エンジン に換えて 空冷式 ASh-21 星型エンジン を搭載した。 生産は主に チェコス …
Yakovlev Yak-11 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Yakovlev Yak-11 (NATO reporting name: "Moose", Russian: Як-11) was a trainer aircraft used by the Soviet Air Force and other Soviet-influenced air forces from 1947 until 1962. The Yakovlev design bureau began work on an advanced trainer based on the successful Yak-3 fighter in mid 1944...
Yakovlev Yak-11 - Price, Specs, Photo Gallery, History - Aero Corner
The Yakovlev Yak-11 is a trainer aircraft in service with the Soviet Air Force and other air forces influenced by the Soviets in 1947 up to 1962. Developed and manufactured by Yakovlev Design Bureau, the aircraft was introduced in 1946 and retired in 1962.
Yakovlev Yak-11 - Warbird Alley
While it is no longer a front-line aircraft, the Yak-11 has gained a new lease on life as a popular "warbird" thanks to its World War II Yak-3 lineage.
Yakovlev Yak 11 · The Encyclopedia of Aircraft David C. Eyre
2019年5月19日 · The Yakovlev Yak-11 (known to NATO as Moose) began to enter service with the Soviet Airforce in 1947 and bore some resemblance to the designer, Aleksandr Yakovlevs, wartime fighter designs, the wing, tail assembly, and undercarriage being similar to those of the Yak-9 single-seat fighter.
Yakovlev Yak-11 | Warbirdsflying.com
The Yakovlev Yak-11 (NATO reporting name: “Moose”) is a trainer aircraft used by the Soviet Air Force and other Soviet-influenced air forces from 1947 until 1962. The Yakovlev design bureau began work on an advanced trainer based on the successful Yak-3 fighter in mid-1944, although the trainer was of low priority owing to the ongoing ...
Yak-11 "Mr. Awesome" - Texas Air & Space Museum
The Yakovlev Yak-11 was an advanced trainer. It flew in the air forces of all Warsaw-pact countries, the middle east, China and Austria. In the Czechoslovakian republic, Let-Aircraft built this famous plane under license. In 1944, Alexander Yakovlev …
Home | Yak 11 Warbird
World's Finest and Fastest 2-seat Yak-11! Better than new in every way. Eye watering craftsmanship and attention to every detail. Meticulous rebuild and tested, with 15,000 labor-hours and 146 flying-hours invested in this true labor of love. Flawless sheet metal work and workmanship inside and out.
YAK-11 - Vaasa Airshow
Hear the radial engine rumble as the YAK-11 performs at Vaasa Airshow! The Yak-11 was designed as an advanced trainer based on the successful single seat Yak-3 from 1944. It first flew in 1945 powered by a Shvetsov ASh-21 seven-cylinder 21 litre 700 hp radial engine.
YAK-11 - GlobalSecurity.org
2023年7月15日 · The YAK-11 employs a pneumatic system for actuation of the landing gear, flaps, brakes, engine starting, shutters, gun chargers, and firing units. The source of air includes normal and emergency...
1995 YAKOVLEV YAK 11 - Aircraft.com
World's Finest and Fastest 2-seat Yak-11! Better than new in every way. Eye watering craftsmanship and attention to every detail. Meticulous rebuild with over 15,000 man-hours invested in this true labor of love. Flawless sheet metal work and workmanship inside and out.
Yakovlev Yak-11 Moose - Training aircraft - GlobalMilitary.net
The Yak-11, nicknamed the "Moose," was a Soviet training aircraft used after World War II. It was developed from the Yakovlev Yak-3U, which itself was derived from the Yak-3 fighter. The Yak-11 was primarily used for basic pilot training and was the …
Yak Piston Fighters - AirVectors
The Yak-11 was the standard East Bloc primary trainer through the 1950s and into the 1960s, and was provided to almost every Soviet ally and client state. It was also used as a liaison aircraft, squadron "hack", and for aerobatic displays.
D-FMAX - 1953 YAKOVLEV YAK 11 - Aircraft.com
AVAILABLE FOR SALE! 1953 Yakovlev Yak-11 (SN 171101 / D-FMAX). Aircraft Restored In Germany. Airframe 560 Hours TSO, Engine 295hrs TSO (ASCH-21 7-Cylinder), Prop 50 Hours TSO. Very Interesting Military And Civilian Background: Czech, Egypt, Israel, UK, France and Germany. Interested in operating costs?
Jakowlew / Yakovlev Jak-11 / Yak-11 - Specifications
The Yakovlev Yak-11 is a single-engine two-seat trainer aircraft developed by the Soviet Design Bureau OKB Yakovlev (OKB-115). The Yak-11 is based on the Yakovlev Yak-3 fighter aircraft. The Yak-11 was also license-built by Let in Czechoslovakia as the Let C-11 (707 aircraft). max. Takeoff Weight. c/n: 72232/67203/3023???
Aircrafttotal Encyclopedia
The Yakovlev Yak-11 (Russian: Яковлев Як-11; NATO reporting name: "Moose") is a trainer aircraft used by the Soviet Air Force and other Soviet-influenced air forces from 1947 until 1962 Design and development
N5940 - YAKOVLEV YAK 11 - Aircraft.com
Find N5940 YAKOVLEV YAK 11 on Aircraft.com. View photos, ownership, registration history, and more. Aircraft.com is the leading registry for planes, jets, and helicopters.