P-800 Oniks - Wikipedia
The P-800 Oniks (Russian: П-800 Оникс; English: Onyx), marketed in export as the Yakhont (Russian: Яхонт; English: ruby), is a Soviet / Russian supersonic anti-ship cruise missile …
P-800宝石导弹 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
出口型称为Яхонт,意为红宝石或蓝宝石,外界通稱 寶石反艦導彈。 П-800與以往俄系衝壓噴射引擎飛彈最大的不同處,除了進氣口移至彈體前段之外,助推火箭还與衝壓發動機燃燒室一體 …
P-800 Oniks/Yakhont/Bastion (SS-N-26 Strobile) | Missile Threat
2024年4月23日 · The SS-N-26 “Strobile” (P-800 Oniks)/Yakhont/Yakhont-M are Russian anti-ship cruise missiles developed by NPO Mashinostroyenia. There are three known variants of the …
P-800 Oniks (SS-N-26 Strobile) - Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance
The Bastion-P, or a TEL vehicle, can carry two of the Yakhont missiles, which can be launched within five seconds of each other. The P-800 Oniks is primarily an anti-ship missile, but has …
俄罗斯P-800 Oniks导弹是当今最致命的反舰导弹之一 - 知乎
2023年9月9日 · 堡垒-P或TEL车辆可以携带两枚Yakhont导弹,它们可以在五秒钟内发射。 P-800 Oniks主要是一种反舰导弹,但在俄罗斯与叙利亚叛乱分子的持续战斗中,对地面部队的使用 …
Anti-ship missile Yahont ( Onyx ) - Missilery.info
Anti-ship cruise missile (SSCM) "Yahont" is designed to combat surface naval groups and single ships in conditions of strong firing and electronic countermeasures.
P-800 Oniks – Wikipedia tiếng Việt
P-800 Oniks (Tiếng Nga: П-800 Оникс, có tên khác là Яхонт (Yakhont) là tên xuất khẩu, "Oniks" có nghĩa là ngọc mã não (Onyx), "Yakhont" là hồng ngọc) là tên lửa hành trình / chống hạm / …
苏联帝国留下的红色巨舰(3):岩石系列反航母导弹 - 知乎
P-800 Yakhont/Onyx missile at MAKS Airshow in Zhukovskiy, 1997 . 基于P-800的研究成果,俄印合资的布拉莫斯航空航天公司研制的新一代巡航导弹:布拉莫斯反舰导弹(PJ-10)。俄方负 …
How serious is the P800 Yakhont threat? Does it have a …
2010年9月19日 · The expected arrival of the P800 Yakhont supersonic anti-ship missile in Syria is considered the first serious attempt by Syria to directly challenge the Israel Navy since the …
2024年9月26日 · 七位消息人士告诉路透社,俄罗斯尚未决定转让 Yakhont 导弹(也称为 P-800 Oniks),专家表示,这将使该激进组织能够更准确地打击红海的商业船只,并增加对保卫这 …