Yamaha R9 - diyAudio
2015年6月5日 · Hello all, Came across a Yamaha R9 with issues.Audio is only produced when Using pre out connections fed into a seperate amp.No amplification At all.
Tone Control Modification - diyAudio
2020年9月29日 · I've decided to modify the tone control of my receiver; SAE TWO R9. The schemetics is on attached. The specs indicates tone control operates at 100 and 10kHz for bass and treble, respectively. I wish to modify the tone control to operate at 50 and 15kHz instead. Could anyone help to tell me...
stk-4151v test. | diyAudio
2012年4月25日 · I have a yamaha rx-v870 that I believe has a bad stk 4151v chip in it. If that board is plugged in the amp never comes out of protect. If that board is un plugged the amp doesn't get any signal to make a sound but does come out of protect. I am thinking that is the culprit, but can someone point...
Yamaha R-N 500 - diyAudio
2024年11月2日 · Good morning, I am looking to repair a Yamaha R N500 amplifier. The amplifiersafe in safe mode. Nothing is displayed on the screen (which doesn't make things easy!). Only the power indicator seem to work. I forced the amplifier to start using the method described in the service manual by...
2003年2月20日 · The currents flowing to R6, R7 and R8 be I6, I7 and I8 respectively. The current relation at time of the detection of power supply ON and OFF is as follows: The current flowing in Pin 1 is considered as a positive current: I1 = I6 + I7 + I8 . R7 is connected to a negative rectified voltage, see application circuit in the datasheet. Therefore I7 ~ 0 at Power OFF. At Power ON - …
Yamaha RX-V663 Power Supply Low Voltage - diyAudio
2024年10月16日 · Greetings all, I've just purchased this amp above second hand, and I notice that the display is very dim, and the subwoofer also shows sign of distortion occasionally. It has been in storage for 11 years, and I'm assuming based on anecodotes from other forums that a Cap in the power supply is...
Yamaha R-S201, R-N303D, R-N402D problems (PS1 PRT: 135L
2023年8月22日 · I like to share some of my experiences with Yamaha budget Receivers R-S201, R-N303D, R-N402D and the more advanced R-N803D. This may help others to fix some problems I had with these devices. For all these device detailed Yamaha service manuals can be found for free on the internet (e.g. on...
Yamaha AX-930 - diyAudio
2004年8月24日 · YAMAHA SA-930 YAMAHA SA-930 amplifier that is not quite so brilliant in terms of transistors final two speakers if connected with lower impedance enters the protective, I would replace these end MJL21194, MJL21193,SANKEN END IS NOT TOO SHINE
Amp Camp Amp - ACA | Page 608 | diyAudio
2012年6月30日 · I noticed Yamaha no longer sells passive studio monitors, and I may want some a bit more substantial anyways. Currently, I'm looking at 'Klipsch Reference Premiere RP-8000F II' and maybe adding a powered class D Klipsh sub if needed.
HiFi preamp LME49720 - amplification 10x? - diyAudio
2020年4月15日 · My suggestions: 1) Move R8 and R9 right in front of the noninverting inputs. This is the normal place to add some noninverting input protection from the outside world (per Jung); 2) Move C3 and C4 and place these across R5 and R10. Change value to 220 pF for a -3 dB turnover calculates to about 330 kHz which won't appreciably affect op amp speed;