Yancoal – Coal Mining
Yancoal is a leading Australian coal producer and one of Australia’s largest coal exporters, producing premium thermal and metallurgical coal. We produce a reliable source of resources that power and build societies around the world.
关于我们 About Us (Chinese) – Yancoal
我们的愿景是建设世界一流的矿业企业,提供造福现代社会的资源。 兖煤澳洲致力于安全生产可靠的能源,为世界各地的社区提供电力。 我们重视员工、承包商的贡献,并与当地社区、客户和供应商建立密切的关系。 兖煤澳洲在澳大利亚开展业务,总部位于新南威尔士州悉尼。 兖煤澳洲在全国各地设有运营机构和办事处。 兖煤澳洲通过从其运营地区聘用员工来支持当地社区。 我们是一家矿业公司,其驱动力是 热情、诚信、安全。 自 2004 年以来,我们一直在偏远地区开展业 …
About Us - Yancoal
Yancoal owns or operates eight producing coal mines across New South Wales, Queensland and Western Australia. We employ over 6,000 people across our assets, mainly from the regional communities where we operate, and in 2023 had a direct and indirect economic impact of $20 billion for Australia.
Yancoal - Wikipedia
Yancoal is an Australian coal mining company operating mines in New South Wales, Queensland and Western Australia. A dual-listed company on the Australian Securities Exchange and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, Yancoal is majority owned by the Yankuang Group.
兖煤澳大利亚 - 百度百科
兖矿澳大利亚有限公司,简称兖矿澳大利亚(英语:YANCOALAUSTRALIALIMITED,ASX:YAL),于2004年由兖矿能源股份有限公司(原兖州煤业股份有限公司) [4]收购多家澳大利亚煤矿产地资产而设。 董事长为茹刚 [1],首席执行官为David James Moult [2] [7]。 总部位于DarlingPark - Tower 2, Level 18, 201 Sussex Street, Sydney, NSW, Australia。 [5]在2011年12月中,原兖矿澳大利亚以每股GCL股票换取1股合并 …
Welcome to YanCoal | YanCoal
Yancoal Canada Resources Co., Ltd. (Yancoal Canada) is a Saskatoon based potash exploration and development company, with a registered capital of $290 million USD. The company was established in 2011 and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of …
YAL News, Analysis, Announcements & Results | Yancoal Australia Limited ...
4 天之前 · The latest Yancoal Australia Limited [YAL] news, articles, data and analysis from The Australian Financial Review
Yancoal Australia Ltd (ASX:YAL) Share Price - Market Index
Yancoal Australia Limited (YAL) is a Australian coal producer and one of Australia's coal exporters, producing thermal and metallurgical coal.
Welcome to YanCoal | YanCoal
兖矿能源为国际性矿业公司,具有40多年历史,在纽约、香港、上海和悉尼4地上市,业务遍及中国、澳大利亚、加拿大和南美等相关国家。 兖矿能源核心业务包括矿产资源勘探开发、煤炭生产、煤化工、发电及设备制造等。 我们主要办公地点在萨斯卡通,工作时间周一到周五(8点到5点),联系电话(306)668-5558.
Yancoal to deploy $1.8b on M&A - Financial Review
2025年2月21日 · Australia’s second-largest coal miner, Yancoal, plans to deploy its $1.8 billion war chest – harvested during the three-year coal boom – to acquire new assets potentially outside of Australia and...