Welcome to Yanel - everything is related content is everything
Everything is related, content is everything. Yanel is free, open source and easy to use.
Download - Yanel
Yanel is written in Java and runs on all platforms, but the installation scripts are platform specific. Please select the platform on which you would like to run Yanel: Windows; Unix (Linux, Mac OS X, and more)
About - Yanel
Everything is content management (WCMS/Wiki, DMS, CRM, ECM, ERP, PIM/E-Mail, DRM, ...) and Yanel is a humble attempt to provide a solution for all your content management needs by offering an Open Source service oriented Content Management Framework written in Java. The Yanel community has defined a set of principles to sustain long-term ...
Yanél cosmétique nutritive
Maquillage biologique, végan et nutritif adaptable à tous les types de peau. Fait à partir d'ingrédients vivants de haute qualité, parmi lesquels, les pigments végétaux se démarquent grâce à la protection et aux magnifiques bienfaits qu'ils apportent à la peau.
www.yanel.net / [email protected] / [email protected] Av. Centenario 672 - San Isidro - CPA B1642CAU - Bs. As. - Argentina Tel./Fax (54 11) 4743 1884 // Tel. (54 11) 4747 4005
Yanel Naturals Hand Made Products - Yanél Naturals
Yanel Naturals offers you natural and organic cosmetic products free of animal abuse. We take care of every detail and ingredient for its formulation with the aim of providing you with a product with excellent benefits for your skin and hair.
Shop - Yanél Naturals
This is where you can browse products in this store. Home >. Shop
Yanel Cosmetic | Premium B2B Solutions
At Yanel Cosmetic, we specialize in delivering top-quality, customized beauty products designed to meet your unique needs. Whether you’re looking for personalized hair care, skincare, or oral care solutions, our tailored product range offers the perfect match for your brand.
Origin of the Name Yanel (Complete History) - Lets Learn Slang
Discover the fascinating and complete history behind the name Yanel, from its origins to its cultural significance.
Getting Started (Windows) - Yanel
Start your prefered Browser, enter the URL http://localhost:8080/yanel/ and start using Yanel either as author, integrator or developer. To edit pages served by Yanel one can also use third-party editing tools such as for example Yulup .