Tuning the microstructure and vortex pinning properties of
2013年12月19日 · We report the controlled incorporation of perovskite, BaSnO 3 (BSO), and double-perovskite, YBa 2 NbO 6 (YBNO), nanocolumnar structures into a YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7−δ …
A new buffer layer for high-quality HTSC ultrathin film fabrication
1997年3月1日 · As such a buffer layer we use Nb-doped YBCO material (YBCNO) composed of the elements (Y:Ba:Cu:Nb:O) in the proportion (1:2:3 − x: x :7), where x > 0.29.
Spin-degree manipulation for one-dimensional room-temperature ...
2024年3月7日 · Herein, we investigate the introduction of the unusual oxidation state as an alternative pathway to modulate the magnetic ground state in the well-known S = 1 Haldane …
Universal behavior of spinless defects in the Haldane chain Y
2004年5月1日 · In YBNO:Zn, existence of two S≈1/2 excitations on either side of the impurity, confirms the universality of chain breaking by spinless impurities.
Growth mode study of ultrathin HTSC YBCO films on YBaCuNbO …
1999年10月15日 · The YBCO and YBNO grain size obtained from X-ray diffraction data is as large as 30 nm, which allows us to suggest that a 100 nm thick YBCO film is free from crystal …
Frontiers | Superconductive REBCO Thin Films and Their …
The incorporation of a double-perovskite material, YBa 2 NbO 6 (YBNO), was also reported and it was found that YBNO phase grows in the form of columnar nanostructures .
霍尔烷系统中一维室温铁磁性的自旋度操纵,Materials Horizons - X …
2024年3月7日 · 在此,我们研究了引入不寻常的氧化态作为调制著名的S = 1 Haldane系统镍酸盐Y 2 BaNiO 5 (YBNO)中磁性基态的替代途径。 YBNO 被拓扑还原以将 d 9 -Ni + ( S = 1/2) 纳入一 …
YbNo molar mass - Chemical Portal
Molar mass calculator computes molar mass, molecular weight and elemental composition of any given compound.
歊,仓颉为YBNO,郑码为SJLR,汉语汉字,拼音是xiāo,(气)升腾的意思。 ⑴(气)升腾:“地底烁朱火,沙旁~ 素烟。 ⑵ 炎热:~暑。 “ 炎威 振皇服,~景暴神州。 ” [1] 《唐韵》 …
Yono - Personal Banking - SBI
The YONO user simply needs to login to the YONO platform and use the YONO Cash feature to generate a reference number and create a dynamic PIN for the cash withdrawal. Customer …