Sikorsky CH-53K King Stallion - Wikipedia
The CH-53K King Stallion is a heavy lift helicopter, being a general redesign of the preceding CH-53E, the main improvements being the new engines and cockpit layout. It has over twice the lift capacity and radius of action of the CH-53E, and a wider cargo hold to …
CH-53K Helicopter - Lockheed Martin
The CH-53K King Stallion advances Sikorsky’s 50 years of manufacturing and operational success with its CH-53A, CH-53D/G, and CH-53E predecessors. Built to thrive on the modern battlefield, including shipboard operations, the CH-53K aircraft is designed to be intelligent, reliable, low maintenance and survivable in the most austere and remote ...
CH-53K直升機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
西科斯基CH-53K种马王(Sikorsky CH-53K King Stallion),是一种超大重型吊掛货物运输軍用直升機,目前仍被西科斯基飞行器公司所研发,主要为美国海军陆战队服务,充当运输重型货物及吊掛重型機具等任务,特色设计包括3台7,500轴马力(5,900千瓦)涡轮轴发动机 ...
美国新一代重型直升机CH-53K部分细节及其设计介绍 - 知乎
legacy aircraft, the CH-53K® heavy lift helicopter combines power and versatility like nothing else that flies. It is at home in searing desert heat, arctic cold and everything in between. Flying a range of missions - carrying cargo or vehicles, transporting troops or airlifting the wounded – the CH-53K® is designed to operate on land or at ...
CH-53K Helicopter Germany - Lockheed Martin
Built to thrive on the modern battlefield, the all-new Sikorsky CH-53K aircraft is intelligent, reliable, low maintenance and the only heavy lift helicopter that will remain in production through 2032 and beyond. The 21st century design makes the CH-53K especially suited for combat search and rescue, special operations, medical evacuation ...
CH-53种马王朝(三)——种马王驾临 - 哔哩 ... - 哔哩哔哩
2022年11月5日 · 西科斯基公司的CH-53K“种马王”是第三代“种马”重型直升机,该系列直升机已经在美国海军陆战队中服役超过50年。 “种马王”将取代CH-53E“超级种马”,该机在航程、有效载荷、性能、货物处理、维修周转时间和生存能力方面都有重大改进。 CH-53K安装三台通用电气的T408涡轴发动机,单台发动机功率约为7500马力(CH-53E的发动机功率单台是约4500马力),使K型的飞行性能大大增强。 尽管保持相同的外部尺寸,但CH-53K的外部吊挂重量比E型增加 …
2020年12月21日 · ch-53k,绰号“种马王”,由西科斯基飞行器公司研发制造,是ch-53系列重型运输直升机中最新改进型号,美国海军陆战队有200架订单,目前,是全球 ...
美国CH-53K重型直升机及T408涡轴发动机发展分析 - (国内统一连 …
CH-53K King Stallion - NAVAIR
The CH-53K is designed to carry 27,000 lbs (12,247 kg) at a mission radius of 110 nautical miles (203 km), in Navy high/hot environments, which is almost triple the baseline of the CH-53E. Its...