YCT 1 Standard Course Textbook PDF and MP3 Audio
YCT Standard Course Textbook provides free download of Chinese learning materials PDF files, including answers and free online MP3 listening audio. www.otextbook.com.
YCT 1: textbook and workbook - chinesehsk.info
Structure, materials for preparing children for the YCT 1 exam: a textbook illustrated with pictures, audio recordings and a workbook
为鼓励汉语非第一语言的中小学生学习汉语,培养、提高他们的汉语能力,自2004年以来,中国国家汉办组织中外汉语教学、语言学、心理学和教育测量学等领域的专家,在充分调查、了解海外中小学汉语教学实际情况的基础上,开发了新中小学生汉语考试(YCT)。 新YCT是一项国际汉语能力标准化考试,考查汉语非第一语言的中小学生在日常生活和学习中运用汉语的能力。 新YCT分笔试和口 …
YCT 1 Vocabulary List (PDF) - DigMandarin
2022年5月20日 · To achieve YCT level 1, you must master the most commonly used words and sentences. It`s required to know how to say basic greetings, give self-introductions, express numbers, tell time, how to ask and answer questions, etc. YCT 1 includes 80 vocabulary words which have to be mastered.
YCT 1 Book | PDF - Scribd
YCT_1_book - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. ...
YCT 1 (一级) Flashcards - Quizlet
Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like 家, 学校, 商店 and more.
Worksheets for YCT Standard Course 1
With the YCT test papers as its primary source, the YCT Standard Course aims to achieve an integrated combination of function and fun, provide a scientific curriculum and effective teaching methods, as well as stimulate students’ multiple intelligence.